Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Mine has been going 3 years now but I do turn the tap down quite low when it's running.

I'm curious about yours though, does it have holes in it that mist? Where did you buy it?

Still going up. 41.9 deg now

Hey appps it is pretty cool .. hubby picked it up from Bunnings.

It does not have any holes in the tube part, just a tiny shower head on the end which puts out a very fine mist. You can see in the picture where I have it snaked up the tree and if you look closely you can see the mist in the picture. The breeze also picks up the mist and spreads it.

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Hmmm may have a new problem. It's 6:30pm and still 40.4 degrees. How do I lock them up in this heat
They normally start heading to bed shortly and although it's got lots of ventilation it's still hotter in their house than out.
Hmmm may have a new problem. It's 6:30pm and still 40.4 degrees. How do I lock them up in this heat
They normally start heading to bed shortly and although it's got lots of ventilation it's still hotter in their house than out.

Do you have a door or largish opening on the coop?

Just for the first hour or so or until it at least cools down a little, can you hang a wet towel over that gap with a fan on the non chicken side? The fan would help the wet towel to dry and the water trapped in the towel evaporates and cools the air. You could hang the wet towel without the fan as well and while it will not be quite so effective, the evaporation should still help.

I do hope that everyone is OK!
Hi Everyone,

Here I am with another S.O.S.... One of our 3/4 leghorn hens has been broody for about 3 weeks or so. She had 4 days in the broody cage and went straight back onto everyone's eggs. The last week she has been in the smaller coop with straw but no eggs (I didn't put her back in the broody coop as she just about went spare in there). She used to be the nicest chook but now is viciously attacking the weakest hen.

She has stopped clucking but has now started to pull out her feathers. She is able to free range during the day with the others. She is not eating her feathers and her legs look healthy with no lifting of scales. She is pulling out all types of feathers out from all over her body. Here is a picture of her back above her tail feathers (the ones she has left anyway). Any advice would be much appreciated.

Hi Everyone,

Here I am with another S.O.S.... One of our 3/4 leghorn hens has been broody for about 3 weeks or so. She had 4 days in the broody cage and went straight back onto everyone's eggs. The last week she has been in the smaller coop with straw but no eggs (I didn't put her back in the broody coop as she just about went spare in there). She used to be the nicest chook but now is viciously attacking the weakest hen.

She has stopped clucking but has now started to pull out her feathers. She is able to free range during the day with the others. She is not eating her feathers and her legs look healthy with no lifting of scales. She is pulling out all types of feathers out from all over her body. Here is a picture of her back above her tail feathers (the ones she has left anyway). Any advice would be much appreciated.


It's common for them to pull out the under carriage feathers when they are on eggs. In the absence of a rooster hassling her and damaging her back feathers I'd say she might be deficient in amino acids. Start adding some Anitone to the feed ration or any other multi vitamin to the water to help her cope with the shortfall.
They really do starve themselves when brooding. :rolleyes:
Hi Everyone,

Here I am with another S.O.S.... One of our 3/4 leghorn hens has been broody for about 3 weeks or so. She had 4 days in the broody cage and went straight back onto everyone's eggs. The last week she has been in the smaller coop with straw but no eggs (I didn't put her back in the broody coop as she just about went spare in there). She used to be the nicest chook but now is viciously attacking the weakest hen.

She has stopped clucking but has now started to pull out her feathers. She is able to free range during the day with the others. She is not eating her feathers and her legs look healthy with no lifting of scales. She is pulling out all types of feathers out from all over her body. Here is a picture of her back above her tail feathers (the ones she has left anyway). Any advice would be much appreciated.

she is really determined that she is raising chicks. To calm her down you need to get her elevated on a wire surface overnight and keep wetting her or something during the day to get her body temperature down. If you don't give her fertile eggs to hatch or chicks she will keep it up until you can get her body temperature low enough to trigger a hormone change.
Going to have to check bunnings for one of those misters, that's exactly what I want! Easier than find a spot to prop up the hose. Though my girls are coping fairly well, hiding in their jungle during the day. They've been yelling a lot, I've since realized they can see me in the kitchen thanks to the glass windows over the staircase, despite being reflective on the outside. They still know when I'm in there and yell at me to come down (with food). Not much else going on, Beatrice got over her broody mood in like 2 days by herself so everyone's normal for now, though I've left the fans on a bit during the day for egg laying. Best time of day is in the 5am in morning when I let them out, grass is cool and damp, and the temperature is pleasant, and after 5 in the evening when the sun has gone down and there's lots more shade. Been feeding the girls grapes lately and true to their precious ways, they prefer them cut in half and for me to hold each half whilst they eat. Gotta love em'.
Thanks Anniebee,
Here are my ducks who are now Primrose and Olaf. They were Smudge and Snow but there were a few negotiations with my daughter when it became apparent we had a girl and boy.

They are so pretty CorrieW .... while I love ducks, I have absolutely no room for any - indeed will have to make major re-adjustments, just to get a few more chookies - one day !

No doubt, being the genders they are - you will have some precious new ducklings one day - maybe later this year ?

Thanks for posting this lovely photo ...

Cheers .......
They are so pretty CorrieW .... while I love ducks, I have absolutely no room for any - indeed will have to make major re-adjustments, just to get a few more chookies - one day !

No doubt, being the genders they are  - you will have some precious new ducklings one day - maybe later this year ?  

Thanks for posting this lovely photo ...  

Cheers .......  

I can't wait for babies. Not sure my husband is of the same opinion but I've lived with his chook obsession for years

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