Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I hope everyone is safe up north. We just had gale forced winds rip through here. We had a crane unloading a shed. :(
New chicks hatched last night. :)



And the splash girls investigating their new coop. :)
We have a very annoying chook! She's the one my daughter carries everywhere, her name is Misty. It's had a hard life and it pecks all the other animals and us on occasion, but it has been giving my drake Olaf a particularly hard time, stealing his food and pecking him. He's such a placid boy (his mate is a piece of work). Today my hubby found him with with Misty in his beak. He said the only way he'd release her was to tap his beak. I'm guessing we need to find other arrangements for Misty. She really is a pain. I think he finally just snapped! He was very annoyed and took it out on me, hissing and carrying on.
Beatrice is gorgeous!! She looks a bit like my Lettie =)
Oooh she does! And I love her name, very cute. What kind of personality is Lettie? I call Beatrice 'Queen Bea' sometimes as she carries on a lot, but she has a sweet sookie side that is heartmeltingly adorable. She loves to be carried and cuddled. Oh where did you get Lettie btw, I notice your location is Laidley, I'm in Brisbane. I got Bea from Heritage Hatchery and hens.

Speaking of chookie doubles, Teila, did you manage to clean that mud off Blondie? That was quite a mess she made of herself. Esmé got dirty feet on my neck and somehow my face this evening. She still has a dirty tummy but with more rain on the way I'm not bothered. It's not too bad.
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Awww Fancy love the pics....your splash gals are so cute! We had severe winds here on the Bellarine Peninsula.... I was to visit my friend in Melbourne after heart surgery...the ferry was cancelled due to the wind! Hope you eventually get your she'd uploaded!

Teila I hope the worst of the weather misses you and your hubby!

Sparky good luck with your projects! Especially the new hatch!

Fizzy love your pic of Beatrice....adorable!

Jess I can't believe the stupidity of some people!!! I hope your pheasant heals up quickly!

Lucky good luck with your job hunting! It's a jungle out there!

We have a major shortage of eggs Madge & Tillie laid one only over the last week and Black Betty has been laying about every second day'. Feathers both large and fluffy every where! How long does the moult last???? My mealworms hit a 'brick wall' .... grain mites!!! Cos of the humidity! Not sure if they eat the meal worm eggs but the amount of baby worms has all but disappeared
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Teila ,,,, hope all will be well tomorrow when Cyclone Debbie hits ... I think she has moved a little further down the coast now. Best of good luck to your hubby & Jessie.

Fancy - adorable chicks you have there .... such pretty little darlings.

Fizzybelle and Angela27 .... your girls look very much alike - perhaps the same breed ? .... Beautiful looking chookies.

Jess .... dogs shouldn't be allowed anywhere near hen / poultry pens. Perhaps a suggestion to the powers that be at the show - a placard "NO DOGS ALLOWED" Hope your little pheasant girl is ok now.

Corrie W ..... I would be thinking in terms of separating Misty from everyone else - if that's possible with your setup. A little while alone ( for aggressive hens ) can work wonders.

LuckysMum .... do hope you are feeling better, and best of good luck with your job search. Sounds like you have a few irons in the fire.

Cheers all ~~
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