Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

CorrieW - awwww I highly recommend - - so funny to watch, I have never had any water fowl before and amazing how attached I've become already (much to the displeasure of my fur babies) lol....I got them at 5wks from a farm so they not really human tamed but obvious used to humans; They already they get so excited when I come home and they see me, I call them and they run up to the fence all excited (of course for the treats too). They not as skittish as I thought they would be, they let me go in their run and clean up and don't run away, just observe close enough. Adorable I hope to slowly get them used to me enough to come up to me and eat from my hand but I won't push it. They love their pool too even when cleaning it out they wait impatiently walking up and down to get in. Hence the water mist and spraying to occupy them. lol

My girl, Primrose is not so tame. She is more placid than my drake, Olaf with the chooks but she doesn't like being handled at all. He will tolerate sitting down with him but my daughter tries to carry him and he hates it. Muscovies have very sharp claws so we discourage her from trying. I have received more than my fair share of scratches putting him in the pen and as you would know they aren't the cleanest creatures lol. They are very entertaining :).
My girl, Primrose is not so tame. She is more placid than my drake, Olaf with the chooks but she doesn't like being handled at all. He will tolerate sitting down with him but my daughter tries to carry him and he hates it. Muscovies have very sharp claws so we discourage her from trying. I have received more than my fair share of scratches putting him in the pen and as you would know they aren't the cleanest creatures lol. They are very entertaining :).

They say Muscovies are the most tame, I'm sure it's also the individual duck too..I heard ducks can been quite mean when broody too. Runners are suppose to be the most skittish. I'm very cautious not to alarm them and talk to them all the time. I won't try to hold them I did when i brought them home when they they were confined but they were not happy. So I let them come as close as they wish and they seem happy. (as much i wish i could squish them lol)
Ironically, I was worried sick about Hubby & Co and they hardly got a drop of rain or breath of wind. Us, on the other hand, are in for a long afternoon and evening.

The girls have taken to their coop after the roof on the run was no longer able to keep them dry .. now I just hope it does not blow away when the wind hits!

Schools closed .. roads closed .. flooding ....

We have the river at the back of our property and it's about to go over. We are built up so won't get any structural damage to our house. The chooks are unhappy but the ducks think it's wonderful!

Lol sounds like a typical bantam, thinks she's bigger than she is, chasing cats like that. Actually I'm slightly worried about cats atm. We'll have new neighbours in a fortnight and I'm hoping they won't have a cat. My girls free range all day in the yard which is fully fenced, but still. Bea being the littlest, I just worry (as I'm pretty good at that). I'll wait and see though.

That was nice of the produce place to let you keep Lettie, looks like she chose you :) Beatrice pecked the guy who took her out of the pen for me when I got her, hehe. Made me wonder what I was getting myself into...

I have stray cats at my place and they've never attempted anything with my chickens, even though they'll try to catch the wild birds that hang around the yard. I don't trust them with my baby chicks though, they're a little too little yet! Hopefully you don't have any problems
Glad your hubby is well up his way @Teila!
It's been raining at our place pretty much all day. Part of our yard has flooded. I ended up with one drenched rooster and one drenched little henny! The ducks are in heaven though!

Officially pooping my pants!

OMG! We are in what would have been the eye if she was still a Severe Tropical Cyclone. Now we just have to hang on for the winds on the other side! So far so good .. I can see what looks like part of my front tree in the road and a couple of large pot plants have been blown over but the roof is still on the coop!


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