Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Today we discovered my 2.5 year old son has a tumor. We don't know how sinister it is but he has been admitted to hospital to find out. I've had to send my ducklings to my daughter. I'm not going to be able to keep an eye on the gosling hatching. If it's cancer which they think it might be his treatment will be interstate. I would have to re home all my birds. My head is spinning it's all happening so fast.
Oh you poor thing. How heartbreaking for you all. Will be thinking of you and your beautiful boy and hoping for a quick recovery for him.
Today we discovered my 2.5 year old son has a tumor. We don't know how sinister it is but he has been admitted to hospital to find out. I've had to send my ducklings to my daughter. I'm not going to be able to keep an eye on the gosling hatching. If it's cancer which they think it might be his treatment will be interstate. I would have to re home all my birds. My head is spinning it's all happening so fast.

Oh No, I am so sorry to hear such news :( I wish you all the best!
Good news, they are %90 sure it's not a sarcoma as they suspected. They are thinking It's an infection growing inside the muscle. Hopefully it responds well to treatment. Thanks for all the well wishes, I will sleep a lot better tonight!
That is really good news.wishing you all the best
I just did some research on them. They were bred to be noisy to call in the wild ducks. Haha not good in my back yard. My friend has few acres so they would be fine there, she has chooks, ducks, turkeys and the kangaroos, horses. I'm so jealous. I'll just keep buying lotto. At least we have the old 1/4 acre and that's big enough for our girls and some quiet ducks.
The only worry is I was going to keep the ducks under our mango tree. I read the poo is high in nitrogen, I'm wondering if that will be too much for the tree.

Not responding re ducks, acreage etc., but was interested about the nitrogen and fruit trees comment. Sorry - can't help on that one.

Have however, always read, been told, etc., that chooken woopsies is not good for roses. A big no-no according to many. The single climbing rose in my girls run, around which I throw a lot of chook manure, has thrived and is climbing - has buds on it even now, which is early. It has managed to grow itself up a trellis, and away from chookie gorging on tender young leaves. Looking splendid - anyone know more about this ?

Cheers -
Gratz to everyone on their hatches and fingers crossed for those waiting for ones to still hatch.
We decided to venture down into nsw for the long weekend as hubbys sister has a place down there inland from byron bay. My neighbour 2 doors up rang me sunday morning to ask where my ducks were as she was feeding the animals for me.
Got home to find all my ducks gone.. Only one small pile of feathers and 7 chickens gone too.(Most of my pekins and a frizzle roo and a couple of others.) I have a feeling the neighbour above may have let their hunting dogs out at night but i have no proof of that . So bit sad for me as this is the first time in 14 years that i have had no ducks.

That is very sad satay .... could have been anything on the rampage - particularly more than 1 hunting animal - ... to lose so many ? .... I feel for you. So sad.
Hey everyone!

First up, my sincere apologies for leaving everyone in the dark as to my whereabouts and may be wondering if all was OK. Since the move up to FNQ life has been beyond hectic with so much to do and so little time including nearly losing our 9 year old cat to kidney stones; after two weeks in veterinary care he is now home which would not have been the case if we had listened to the local Vet who wanted us to euthanize on day 2.

Chookens are doing great!

Anyways, things have settled a little and I will now hopefully have time to catch up with everyone and learn how the 'new site' works.

I missed you guys!

So glad to see you are back Teila. ... was also getting a bit worried. So I was going to do some scrounging waaay way back in pages, and see if I could do some sort of reply that you 'might' get in notifications ( which don't work so well anymore ). Now I don't have to do that.

So glad your beautiful cat has come home after such a worrying situation ... and great to know that your chickens are doing so well. Also glad to know that some good rains have fallen in FNQ, --- much needed by the sounds of it.

A big welcome back ...


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