Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hey Anniebee Thank You! I am sorry, I thought people might start to worry but I have been and continue to be flat out like the proverbial.

The house and garden have been severely neglected for many, many years and being the only gardener in residence, the majority of trying to turn what is basically a mess of weeds, undergrowth, piled up coconuts and palm fronds back into a garden and lawn is a huge effort.

I spent 7 hours on it yesterday and have the aches, pains and green ant bites to prove it! My elbow seems to have copped the brunt of the aches but at least it only hurts when I move my arm :rolleyes: However, it was well worth it and I can now actually see a fence on one side.

Congrats on the rain satay! From what I hear CQ and SEQ seem to be getting a good dose of rain, not so much FNQ. No doubt we will once the rainy season arrives but at the moment, I am having to water everything.
How are the girls going? hope they are settling in well to their new surrounds.
How are the girls going? hope they are settling in well to their new surrounds.

Hey satay the girls handled the flight really well and settled in quite quickly. Sadly, no free range for them anymore; I have never seen so many Hawks in all my life! Hubby did build them a nice big run and coop so they have heaps of room and I ensure that they have lots to keep them entertained.

Just to give you an idea what I am up against ………….

This is what most of the garden looks like, many years of neglect, undergrowth, build up of palm fronds and coconuts etc:

This is what 7 hours of hard labour on my part down one side looked like at the end of the day:


and the fruits of my labour, 1 x full trailer and 6 x full garden bags!

Satay thanks for that. I think all the water they seem to go through should water down any manure they spread everywhere. I glad your getting some rain. The green stuff should be a nice change. Falling rain is a funny thing we've had rain out the front of the house and none out the back.
Fancy love the chicks. I should put some photos up of my babies they are getting so big now.
Teila what an amazing job you've done are you sore now. I bet you feel good though, its very rewarding to see the results of a hard days work. If its anything like mine a bit of rain and you have to start all over again.
Satay thanks for that. I think all the water they seem to go through should water down any manure they spread everywhere. I glad your getting some rain. The green stuff should be a nice change. Falling rain is a funny thing we've had rain out the front of the house and none out the back.
Fancy love the chicks. I should put some photos up of my babies they are getting so big now.
Teila what an amazing job you've done are you sore now. I bet you feel good though, its very rewarding to see the results of a hard days work. If its anything like mine a bit of rain and you have to start all over again.
I'm such a qlder we have had 114mm of rain since saturday and i'm already wishing it would go away lol. Everything is soggy and wet. Tanks are full and cloth lines are full but not drying. Tell I'm not used to it raining this long :lau
I am beside my self .i just went to check my incurbators both were flashing H And were reading 39.8 I don’t know for how long .I think I may have cooked em .Andypandy
Its funny when we get rain we are not expecting or for to long we hate it. I know how much we need rain. But when it hangs around or I need to do sheets and towels I want it to stop. I hope you get a reprieve soon.
Andypandy lets us know how you get on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you too.

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