Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hey Satay and all!!!!!!!!
I am so happy to have my coop back :)
Sorry it's been a while, my son ended up in ICU :( he is doing ok, has type 1 diabetes, lucky I took him to hospital when I did, I could have lost him. Took 3 months to finally finish the coop and fenced in yard. Today was the first day of training my rotti to be amicable with them. At the moment, have 2 lavender sussex boys (6 months old) and 4 isa hens (18 weeks)
Just need to find a couple of lavender s hens
Will post pics of our taj mahal when I remember to take my phone up to the pen :)
Hi @Quaicken108 and @Florence NightingQuail I kinda miss Sydney. I was in a routune of popping over every couple of months for meetings but now it's all on zoom. At least i get to stay home with the chooks :)
Funny - my sister lives in Adelaide and I miss being able to shoot down there to see her. It’s probably a good thing that I’ve still been having to travel into work everyday throughout, because I could prob waste hours watching the quails now!
Hey Satay and all!!!!!!!!
I am so happy to have my coop back :)
Sorry it's been a while, my son ended up in ICU :( he is doing ok, has type 1 diabetes, lucky I took him to hospital when I did, I could have lost him. Took 3 months to finally finish the coop and fenced in yard. Today was the first day of training my rotti to be amicable with them. At the moment, have 2 lavender sussex boys (6 months old) and 4 isa hens (18 weeks)
Just need to find a couple of lavender s hens
Will post pics of our taj mahal when I remember to take my phone up to the pen :)
Sorry to hear about your boy.
Funny - my sister lives in Adelaide and I miss being able to shoot down there to see her. It’s probably a good thing that I’ve still been having to travel into work everyday throughout, because I could prob waste hours watching the quails now!
I do love a bit of chicken tv, it has to de said :gigbut I'm pretty good at focussing on my job.

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