Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yeah it seems to be, the taps on full blast or not on at all doesn't it? How fun is hatching? Quail are good for intown when you want fertile eggs of your own because they are considered an aviary bird. And my goodness the cutest, tiniest chicks! (Sorry, I'm an enabler :oops:)
THANK YOU!! I asked my husband about quail and he thought we couldn’t have them with chickens!!! I love your enabling. Do most people keep them in with chickens or do you keep a separate aviary? Now I get to research and I love the research too
Keep them Seperate. You can keep both just not run them together as thats how they can spread illnesses to each other and quail get hurt by bigger birds. I have courtnix quail, and body wise they are same size as my 7 week old wyandotte chicks but the chicks legs make them taller then the quail. I think quail are the most interesting birds we've had because everything happens so fast! I also have ducks (and know people who keep them in small cities) but if people think roosters are loud they've never heard a pekin duck! Haha I love my ducks but no way I could live with them in the city
Thank you. That is really great information. I love ducks too and did have several lots of day old ducklings growing up as I grew up in north east Victoria. I know I can’t have ducks now being in the city but I would love it. You sound like you have a great set up. The quail sound perfect and I have just read that you can use the eggs like chicken eggs you just need to use a few more. I did not know that. I love learning new things.
Thank you. That is really great information. I love ducks too and did have several lots of day old ducklings growing up as I grew up in north east Victoria. I know I can’t have ducks now being in the city but I would love it. You sound like you have a great set up. The quail sound perfect and I have just read that you can use the eggs like chicken eggs you just need to use a few more. I did not know that. I love learning new things.
Yep! They are also great alternative for most (sadly not all) people with chicken egg allergies and intolerances (like me) thats why I have my ducks actually, same thing. These are some of our quail eggs cooked up how cute are they!
Yep! They are also great alternative for most (sadly not all) people with chicken egg allergies and intolerances (like me) thats why I have my ducks actually, same thing. These are some of our quail eggs cooked up how cute are they!View attachment 2391428
That is so cute! And great for dieting too. 🤣

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