Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

We have 5 silkie hens and one cockerel. (Well we think he his he hasnt crowed yet and i think hes about 5-6 months old…..)

Getting some coop upgrades done to allow more silkies and some Rhode Island Reds.

I plan on starting a coop/flock follow thread when i get it going but ive been lazy!
In the meantime, join mine if you like. it moves a little every day.

@Ribh is up in Qld and has a flock thread with nice people on it too. Her's also moves a little every day.

@BY Bob has an awesome thread but it can be hard to keep up with.
Not sure how many of you would remember the old Milo bars? I decided I would try to make some and came up with a 'recipe'.

It's 1/4 cup chocolate chips to 2 tablespoons of Milo. Melt the chocolate, then mix the Milo in. Press into ice cube trays, freeze, then pop out of ice cube trays.
Not sure how many of you would remember the old Milo bars? I decided I would try to make some and came up with a 'recipe'.

It's 1/4 cup chocolate chips to 2 tablespoons of Milo. Melt the chocolate, then mix the Milo in. Press into ice cube trays, freeze, then pop out of ice cube trays.

Sorry dude dunno what you're talking about!! oopps did I offend anyone? 🤪 How about them vanilla slices? Anyone remember them? I hate the icing on top though.. I always used to chuck that out and eat the rest...
Not sure how many of you would remember the old Milo bars? I decided I would try to make some and came up with a 'recipe'.

It's 1/4 cup chocolate chips to 2 tablespoons of Milo. Melt the chocolate, then mix the Milo in. Press into ice cube trays, freeze, then pop out of ice cube trays.
What a great suggestion for Easter!

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