Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

The four hens we have were named by my kids so each of them own one and the one left over is mine......

Lachlan named his Lulu (she has a green tag on her leg)
Connell named his Tiny (she has a blue tag on her leg) - and turned out to be the biggest one and biggest piggy
Emelia named hers Daisy (she has a yellow tag on her leg)+
and mine is Pebbles (she has a red tag on her leg)

They all look alike the two ISA browns are almost identical, although the kids can pick them. and the same with the other two.... I have trouble at times identifing them hence the leg tags.... now it easy.

Did the eggs smell off? Maybe they either weren't fertile or died very quickly?? If they smelled off, then they could've become rotten sped up by the hot
weather. Ive seen off eggs explode due to the gas build-up mustve given the hen quite a scare???
Have thought of leg rings but think the names would have to b like Bluey, Red. Etc. Terrible memory. Have to have a code like red is Ginger etc. How many colours r there? R they easy to put on?
Oooh darn cute!!! How come u got rid of the roo?? I have a silky roo that thinks hes such a big man....when hes just a little bantam fluff ball hehehe.
The girls all sitting on top of each other sounds hilarious....if they were all raised together they would then do everything together like my 3 girls. We raised them since they were
3 days old....they do everything together...doesnt matter what it is. They all try to cram into the same nest box to sleep at night...its funny too. Tho they poop all over it. They are 10 weeks old & I am starting to hear more grown up chicken sounds now, here & there. They still peep, but occassionally I will hear some grown up sounds.

My roo rocky, is a laff. But this morning he must've been extra cranky cos he chased & pecked at the girls, which he doesnt usually do, but then they are getting bigger.
sheesh and just after I asked for good news! It's just one of those days I think!
to you and mumma hen

I have some good news! 4 days ago my pet Malay hen died(that's NOT the good news!),but she had left one egg which was in the incubator,and yesterday that egg hatched and now here is Son of Dyna(or Daughter!). Looks exactly like Mum too,I am so happy!

Sorry to hear of the exploding eggs too !
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I'll take it! We had a whole 2ml last night, so much for the promised 25ml!

Edit: Did well at the auction, sold all my extra roos and came home with an extra $100 in my pocket.
Sad to see them go but happy to have a smaller feed bill and not hear them at 3:30am anymore!
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Well Done RareBreedFancier, 5 spare Roosters is alot to handle Im sure.

I made it up to my block of land today just in time for a little sun to come out. I hit Kyneton late so didnt get to see much of the show- but I did see the swan in the animal nursery. It was so worth the $10 entry fee just to see that!!!

Wooklet your little one is just adorable!!!!

WoW!! page 5 already... I didnt think this thread would take off like this- But dont forget the other one is still there for those of you that want to continue the chat over there. I only started this one so there wasnt 5 pages for me to read through each time I looked at the thread. Glad to have you all here though.....

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