Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Silkies and rain dont mix to good

I dont have rings on their legs we had a pack of small multi-coloured cable ties and each of my kids have favourite colours eg: Lachlan likes green, and connell likes blue so they were colour coded as per their owners
choice. - they were easy to put on and just snipped the end with a nail clipper,

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wooklet.. I agree, the chick is adorable
glad to see that you have a little one from the hen you lost! Can't imagine how happy you must have been to see him/her in the bator!! Thanks for some good news! also, RareBreedFancier... an extra $100 in the pocket & 5 roos gone... certainly another good news story!

and lol ducky re: the speed that this thread is taking off.... at the rate we are going we'll have a few hundred pages in no time
We originally had three day old chicks from my daughters school, one for each of the kids, my daughters one Rosy turned out to be a Roo and we changed his name to Robert, he was a really great guy, very friendly towards the children and a little protective of his two hens - except we live in suburbia in Brisbane and it is not allowed..... once he started crowing we knew he had to go, go funny hand written notes left in the mailbox etc..... We used to bring him inside every night so that his early morning crowing wasnt too bad but still the neighbours were a pain in the butt..... A couple were fine with it and liked to hear him crow. Then about a month ago we got a visit from the council, Robert had gone over two months ago - told the council officer he was long gone and he apologised and said he was just doing his job but they got a call about a noise rooster from back in august and they had only just gotten around to following it through, he wouldnt tell me who the neighbour was who complained but we have a fair idea. Another reason he also started chasing one of my daughters friends and then my daughter refused to go and play outside, when I brought the subject up here on this site was told that kids and roos are a no no and to get rid of him straight away before he causes damage.

Anyway thats my story...

I used to use pollard but now use mill run which is the same thing only higher protein as part of my animals diets.( I only mix mine with cold water all year round) . The ducks,turkeys chicken all love it. They also have their grain food as well and scraps. it will be fine to feed all year round and I live where it get's over the 40c temp quite a lot this time of year.
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Hi everyone! I like the new thread. How's the weather for everyone on this fine Sunday morning? Here in Melbourne we finally have some blue skies. Actually, what am I doing on the computer? Think I might hit the nursery and get some vegies into the patch before it's too late. Vegies have been neglected with so much time being dedicated to my little flock..

Heva great day folks!

p.s. Hi JC, I'm glad you can finally tell your girls apart! I used to hate it when people got me and my sister confused, so they MUST feel the same
Well another hot day here in queensland.... Mmmmm veggies, yes mine have been neglected too after my darling girls ate all of them I have managed to chicken proof my tomatoes and strawberries and the tomato bush is recovering.....

When I get around to it will chicken proof the rest of the garden patch and plant some more things

Hope you are all having a wonderful sunday, kids were up at 5am so it seems like I have been awake forever oh well better get some housework done.


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