Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Wooklet, that is wonderful. Definitely beyond the call but such a lovely thing to do. Very good of the friend to bring them too. Had you looked for a long time to find this source of Malays?
70%cocoa :

Wooklet, that is wonderful. Definitely beyond the call but such a lovely thing to do. Very good of the friend to bring them too. Had you looked for a long time to find this source of Malays?

I agree that it is definitely beyond the call of duty! I only wanted to let her know the outcome because she had asked. I knew the risk that I was taking in flying eggs down here,but was willing to take a chance for the outcome. I was even happy to have the one survivor becasuse at least that is new blood into the Island. Tassie is a small place,with very few Malay breeders,and the birds are now getting inbred. We have a beautiful Malay rooster who has weak leg which the breeder freely admits is probably through inbreeding. The larger and heavier he gets,the more he struggles to hold his weight on that leg. I will have to make a hard decision about him soon. :-(
I actually had not been looking for that source for long at all,but her birds from a top quality line,and obviously her ethics are too! I can't wait to get the chicks! Will of course be posting a picture of them when they arrive!​
Well, it's a wonderful outcome then! It's great to see a breeder who is so willing to help others out with her quality line. So nice to see that kind of generosity and willingness to disperse the gene pool.

For future bird transport, have you heard of AniTrans? They do a good job of transporting birds. I had 4 ducks brought from northern NSW to Canberra earlier in the year and they did a great job. It cost me about $150. They go to Tassie sometimes. They cover the eastern states. They transport eggs or birds (and other small animals I am pretty sure).

Have any of you guys ever used a pet transport service to send or receive eggs instead of Aussie Post?
Yes,I have heard of Ani Trans,used him actually and was very happy. He charged me $80 to transport 2 Malays here,and the condition they were in when they arrived was impressive! However, he only comes down here a couple of times a year,3 at most,and although I would certainly consider using him for transporting eggs-far better than flying,it is the timing that is tricky! That little stretch of water between the mainland and Tassie can make things very hard,I actually think that Justin is the only one who comes over here. I suppose that I could look at someone taking the eggs to the ferry and I could meet it at the other end! Never thought of that one - thanks,I'll have a try!
I am SO impressed by the lady who I dealt with over the Malay eggs,she really has restored my faith in people!
Yes, that is a great idea! I wonder if the ferry company would 'mind' the eggs on the trip over for you.

Another question I was keen to ask fellow Aussies in different locations... What is your approach to giving your ducks swimming water during water restrictions? Here in the ACT we have restrictions from time to time, as does pretty much everyone (except maybe parts of Tassie!) but we also have animal welfare laws that state that water birds require bathing water. I use a fair bit of water and if I am ever challenged on it my defence will be the animal welfare laws!!! I use 60L a day of tank (rain) water and about 150L a day of 'town' water on the ducks. I don't really make an effort to save water (other than using the rain tank for some of it) because I want the ducks to have daily fresh water. I would do this regardless of the water restrictions because to me it's livestock watering, not filling an ornamental pond or garden watering (even though the garden is the end reciptient). So what kind of approach/attitude do you guys have towards water restrictions and ducks?

I'm not sure of what constitutes appropriate content for this kind of thread so please do tell me if I am taking things off onto an unwanted tangent
I am still planning to come over for a show next year sometime wooklet- although show season isnt the best time to be getting eggs- I could always bring some eggs- or some chooks down for you then.

Reading on hear sometimes about posting live chicks and ducklings through the mail makes me glad in some ways we cant do that here- but also makes it very hard to get some of the rarer breeds. I had eggs sent from Nowra and South Australia when i started up with my runners, but thankfully now- I have my established flock. I would still love some fawn and white runners... But I think having an extra colour would actually really make things complicated with my limited room here.

How are those babies going 70%cocoa ? You must be having a great time raising them.
Hi folks. Wooklet, your story about the eggs is lovely. There truly are genuinely kind-hearted people out there and it's good to remember. BTW I love your signature.

Quick question to everyone... How long do you normally wait after you finish antibiotics til you eat your eggs again? One vet told me 3 weeks, another said 3 months. And if the alternative is to eat supermarket eggs then aren't they chock full of antibiotics anyway? I'd love to hear your thoughts...
I'm not sure of what constitutes appropriate content for this kind of thread so please do tell me if I am taking things off onto an unwanted tangent

Your intelligent question that invites response from a variety of people is just what this thread is about!! Thought provoking and asking others to contribute their ideas and give assistance is just why I started this new thread.

As for what I do... I have a huge tank up in the country and I bring water back to the house in times of restrictions. I recycle the washing water, and have very short showers. That way- my ducks dont have to go without. I also have a small watertank here that is attached to the shed- and I have 3 large barrels that I will soon use to also collect water from the roof when it does rain.

I know not everyone has the luxury of having watertanks- but good to hear that you do 70%cocoa - as with ducks it really is important for them to have regular access. I kind of expected that with the wonderful set up you have- you would have some extra water provisions.

But bottom line is...I check my water bill each quarter and adjust the water usage as needed - my ducks need for water comes first and I will never feel guilty turning on a tap to water them.

Chickenmumma - Since I dont eat my ducks eggs...I have never really bothered to look into it for my own knowledge. The last fowl I had on antibiotics was a drake 4 and a half years ago...never any eggs from him
But I am sure someone on here should be able to share their experience - personally I would go with what the vet who prescribed the antibiotics said.​
Glad to like the signature,I will change it every now and again when I find something I relate too!

3 weeks souonds about right for the anti b's,however having said that I have often forgotten that my chickens are on them on the occassions that they have been,eaten the eggs and come to no harm! But I wouldn't suggest that you do it! As you say,free range have got to be better than supermarket eggs no matter what is in them!

I am not nearly as experienced as Ducky,only have a little clam shell for my ducks,and Tassie rarely has water restriction(quite the Opposite!!),so I can't really help you 70%, but what Ducky says sounds good to me! Having said that,we are on town water but with all the animals and chooks that are here we even have a couple of tanks rigged up mainly for drinking and watering plants,but I use it to fill the clam shell up,makes me feel less guilty about using so much water!

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