Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

You are an early bird!
Sadly,we have lost one more this morning and looking at the rest of them,I think that we are going to loose more. I was thinking of not breeding silkies anymore and this could be the crunch. Anyway,I'll reply to everyone later,forgive me if I don't say much now. Thanks.
I'd have loved to have gone, my mum had entries in there but we have restricted km's with the car at the moment, getting the 800km service done on the new engine on Friday and we're already over. If it had been done last week like I wanted I'd have been down there.

I would love to go to Daylesford show, spent time in that area growing up, it's beautiful. Unfortunately DH has other ideas for the weekend.

Where else do you show? Anywhere further north? All our local shows were early/mid November. I didn't make it to a single one because of the car.
Thank goodness it's fixed now and my restrictions will be off on Friday!
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70%cocoa :

Wooklet, what an awful experience
I hope the Baycox arrested the spread of it... Baycox is da good stuff. I give it to them neat.

I wonder if I should do that with the sick ones? Some of them still look pretty awful. What do you think?​
Hi all

Quick question, can you bath chickens.... my girls smell abit off, they were all sick for some time with a flu, runny noses, cough etc and are all better, but when I hold them I still smell that sicky smell - maybe its just me but wondering if I could give them a bath and how and what to wash them with.... Its pretty warm here in Qld at the moment so if I did it in the morning it would give them time to dry off before bed as it cools down quite rapidly as the sun goes down.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hi , Yes you can bath chickens,and doing it in the morning to give them time to dry off is a great idea. You could help the drying process by using a hair dryer-most of mine go to sleep while I am doing it!(On a med heat not high!) they may freak when you first hold it onto them but just hold them firmly and they get used to it and love it! Use a good dog shampoo,and I use a hand hell shower spray,but you can just as easily do it in a bucket or sink,again they just seem to go limp when they realise that resistance is useless!
Just make sure that you rinse them well(especially under areas like wings and tails. I normally don't dunk their heads unless it is something like a silky or crested bird,a damp cloth wiped over their head and comb. Roll them in a towel afterwards and have a giggle about how bedraggled they look! Good Luck with it!
Well,the 24 hours from hell seems to have ended! We lost 8 little silkie chicks,so sad but I have to be positive and say we managed to save 22 of them! All bar one are looking much better,eating,drinking and running around normally,and hopefully the last little one will pull through! Thank God for Baycox,and also a BIG thank you to my DH - he has raised parrots and cockateels and knows just how to squirt liquid down their throats without drowning them, He stood there patiently giving each and every one a good syringe full,I would probably have choked them if I had tried it!

Hopefully panic over,cubby house given a good scrub and clean out as well.

Thank you all for your hugs and good wishes,I'm sure that helped them pull through - I know it helped me!

Good luck with your hatching Ma Noob don't forget the pictures!
Glad to read more positive news from you wooklet, so sad that you lost so many- but at least you still have managed to save some of them. I hope the little one does pull through for you too.
Touch wood - I have never had anything like that happen with ducklings, it would be so devastating. Good to hear hubby has been there by your side through this.

h_palmer - people that show birds- wash them regularly- and being that the show season is in winter, I feel for those chookies!! They must look a sight all wet- but Im sure when they are washed and dried they will be smelling much better. Wooklet has given you some good advise there.

RareBreedFancier - I was just doing some of the club shows this year- I thought my show season was over as I didnt think about the ag shows but want to give them one more viewing. Footcray and district is the club i am a member of- but I didnt travel too far this year. Next year I will though.

Ma Noob - good luck with your hatch, Cant wait to see pics of the little ones.

Hope it was only from the ankles down.....
I have actually showered with a duck up at my block of land, We have an outdoor shower up there in the bush where no0one else is around. Monty my Daughters drake used to play in the water while we showered when he was little.
Ill second that!! You probably need a laugh after the day you have had as well! Well done saving as many as you did. Shame about the others though.

Well i have one little one out and fluffing up nicely, Have pulled it out into the brooder now. Its a bit lonely at the moment, but there is another on the way out. hopfully its out before bed as i would love to get it in the brooder too, and there is a bit of membrant there so i dont want it to dry out, have been putting more water in there to keep the humidity up,

Im pretty sure there is another pipped through the membrane cause im sure im hearing more peeps

Will get a pic very soon, have got a few requests for them, just have to remember how to put them on here too

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