Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

That picture is priceless!
Wooklet, glad that you seem to have come through the worst. In that situation I'd probably dose all of them with Baycox, symptoms or not. I'm guessing that's what you and your DH did?

Love that photo!!!!!!!
Awwwww! Bless,,,what a gorgeous little chicken!
BTW, what is that you have in the broody box - is it cat litter?
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I was sitting here thinking I needed an early glad I didnt. Those pics were worth staying up for Ma Noob. Precious!!!!

Lol Wooklet...I thought it was sitting on laying pellets.
yeah its cat litter, my resources are kinda limited, and i thougth the hay was a bit much for now. Its taht recycled paper one, the RSPCA friendly stuff. Actually its holding the warmth from the light nicely.

I hope thats ok for them, the wood shavings are kinda hard to find. But it does look like layer pellets, just as well they are too small to eat it
Oh Wooklet those pictures are GORGEOUS!! The last pic looks like she's saying "please mum, can I go back inside?" She'll get used to the real world, especially with such a caring mum. Well done

I got a message from a mod saying my photo of the boy was taken down to protect the safety of me and my family. I don't think they realise he wasn't my boy, nor does he live anywhere near here!

Have a great day all.
Wish the little chicken WAS mine,it's so gorgeous! But it's not, they belong to Ma Nob!

Sorry your photo was removed,I reckoned it was hysterical! Glad I saw it before it went.

Actually,I was thinking what a great idea cat littler is,absorbing odour and wetness,wonder if it would do them any harm if they ate it? It must be non toxic,only thing is does it swell when it's wet?

Any more hatched?
Interesting discovery this morning, looks like my place has gone from roo city to broody city!

Go to collect eggs, hmmm broody bantie. Go hunting in the rest of the pen because I seem to be missing a few banties, hmmm another broody bantie, oh, here's another. Oh hang on, another suspicious pile of eggs, how long have those been there??? Looks like 3 or 4 broody Silkie/Pekin girls and I think the bantie Leghorn might be too, she growled at me when I tried to shoo her off a nest to grab the eggs. Then to top it off I tried to collect the eggs from my one still set up breeding pen and TWO hens in there tried to take my hand off.

So possibly 6 or 7 broodies??? Right after I send off the spare roos because no one will go broody and hatch anything for me and DH banned me from the 'bator.

Bonus? Since I found several hidden nests I get to go out with the candling torch tonight and see if these sneaky banties have been sitting long enough to have development yet.
Could be mutt city here soon!
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Sounds like its going to be so busy around your place in three weeks !!!!! Finding broodies is kind of like finding no eggs though since they stop laying while sitting. Hope you have plenty of other chooks or a good supply of eggs to see you through.

I have the night off cooking dinner

My daughter is cooking tacos - about the best thing she is able to cook. That means more time out with the ducks tonight now. So nice to have a teenager that actually likes to help out sometimes.... Now if only she could manage to keep her room clean for more than a few days at a time.

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