Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I thought they were layer pellets they were lying on at first too.

Beautiful chicks, congratulations!
70%cocoa :

Wooklet, glad that you seem to have come through the worst. In that situation I'd probably dose all of them with Baycox, symptoms or not. I'm guessing that's what you and your DH did?

Love that photo!!!!!!!

Yes. we dosed them all. First by mouth,and then in their drinking water. All is well now , no more lost and back to normal!

Rare Breed Fancier I hope that you get some nice little chickens soon. We thought that we had lost a
Frizzle hen to a hawk last year,and 3 weeks later she walked in with 12 little chickens!

Ducky,meant to say to you,if you have that much room in your ute, I can certainly fill up quite a bit of space - if the bank account allows! I'll start looking now!

It was quite a hot day here today,and the Runners finally got over their fear of the dark spooky space under the bushes when they discovered it is nice and COOL under there! They are funny little things!

Out of interest,what does everyone use for mites/lice etc?​
Funny that, I actually started wondering nearly a week ago why I seemed to have a drop in production but I assumed they were just upset because I rounded up and sold the extra boys and moved some girls in from the small breeding pens. Wrong! Some may have been cooking for that long too because some of the lower ranking hens are setting and I thought they were just avoiding the pecking order reshuffle. They have been only coming out to grab a few treats before vanishing again but I never dreamed they'd all go broody at once!

Edit to add:
Waffle77 I don't have any but I bet some others do.
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Yup more have hatched!! Had to help one out, that was the one that had no air cell, It was all in a tangle in the egg and was getting no where and the membranes looked really really dry too. poor thing when i got it out, its head was all caught under its wing, i dont thing it would have gotten anywhere. But got it out all ok, Has taken all day to perk up.

Found one had zipped and had almost hatched when we got home from school. watched it a little and saw it was close. Called the kids and hubby was home and we all saw it hatch which was fantastic! More of a suprise was it was a little black chicken that came out! Its just beautiful!!

Had to go out as the kids had swimming lessons, but another two had pipped when we left, then much to our surprise 2 more had hatched when we got home!! Havent taken any more pics yet, will do that soon though

5 more to go and pips in 2 of them

I dont even have any chooks anymore- and actually had to google Lohmanns to see what they were since I mainly deal with the more ornamental show breeds.
They look similar to a Isa brown to me. Are they good layers??

Ma Noob - well done... Sound like you will soon have them all out. Your house must be a fun place to be right now with all the hatching action.
Upper Dromedary, southern Tasmania.
I have a 6 year old lady who lays 17 days straight, before taking a couple of days off.
Have 2 new Anconas - originally an Italian breed. Their names are Mona and Lisa.
I call dem ladies 'cos dey lay de eggs.
Waffle77 and mycena86, great to have you on board! mycena86 I like your name choices (Mona and Lisa for the Italian birds!) I had a girl called Coco and when she died we named the newcomer Chanel in her memory.

Ma Noob, get cracking with the pics would you, I need my fix of gorgeous little chick pics!!
Waffle7 and Mycena86. Nice to have someone else from Tassie on the thread,although we are in the NW - couldn't really be further apart! I also like the names of your chooks.
I sold a lady a Japanese Rooster and 3 hens once and she names them Bonsai(Rooster),Ki,Mo and No for the girls!

Looking forward to seeing the pics of chicks too. Congrats on such a good hatch!

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