Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Nice pics Ducky and Ma Noob! Congrats on your win Ducky!!
Well done Ducky. You really do have the most handsome drakes.
Congrats Ma noob on your new fuzzy butts
I also seem to be hit this year with broody over load
I have put a few to work with some aussie and Rir eggs. I have baby sussex chicks that are 2 weeks old and my 17 brahma chicks are 5 weeks old and huge. So I will have baby over load soon too.
Anyone else tired of the rain?? I hope you all are high and dry and not effecting by any of the current flooding. Isnt it supposed to be Summer pretty much by now?? I am not looking forward of course to 40 degree days- but it just doesnt seem to be normal kind of weather for this time of year.

No broodies here...but plenty of incubator action right now. I have 3 precious new babies out and 5 little noisy peepers all working their way out of the wrong end of their eggs.
Awww, all this talk of broody hens and incubators is making me want more chickens! How much land do y'all have? Anyone else live in the 'burbs?

And yes Ducky, I'm totally sick of the rain. Last year was like this and my vegies were ruined so I really hope this year is different!

Also, question for everyone. Should I be worried about all the flies? This is my first summer with chickens and already the flies are out of control...
Chickenmumma - I am also in Melbourne- over in the western Suburbs. Used to be about a kilometre form my place there was just paddocks when I moved here- but now more housing developments and industrial areas have spring up. You can apply to your local council to have more than the regulations say you can. With backyard chooks becoming so popular many councils are realising that regulations need to be reviewed.

Flies?? If they are a problem...get some Runner ducks..
Seems like mine spend half the day snoozing and the other half chasing flies. I use some of the traps where you put the attracting fluid in it and hang it up somewhere- pretty gross to empty out and it doesnt really seem to help much unless you consider how many more there would be if the ones in the container didnt commit suicide flying into the container.
Oooh runner ducks? I just googled them, very nice! Is your champion drake a runner? How much space would I need? Our yard is about 40 square metres.... sigh... I just mentioned the idea to DH and the look he gave me was priceless. Something to work on I guess....
Hey! I'll take any rain you don't want, still got big cracks in the ground here.

We have had a bit but not enough, have a great crop of weeds shooting up in the paddocks, goats are pleased.
Got to build some movable coops so I can move the chooks out onto the big paddock.

RareBreedFancier - I had over 60mm at my block of land up near Maryborough on Saturday. The water tank up there was full about 2 months after it was installed, and hardly gets used. Wish you could have the rain from around that area. the whole area has been wet all year.
im in northern SA, im in a larger city, But in an older part of town where the blocks are still quite big. Ive got a whole section of our yard that we dont use so plenty of room. Also there is an empty block next to us and the neighbours are a fair way from us so the roosters dont bother anyone.

The second hen that went broody well, i booted her off today. Silly thing had about 20 eggs under her if not more, i dont know what she thought she was doing the nutter! Thankfully she hasnt gone back, will just have to keep the eggs away from her. But i need to get into the house and give it a clean up. its looking to be a little cooler on the weekend (about 30 degrees) so hopefully will be able to do it then.

No rain here! Very much high and very very dry. 40 degrees here today, at least it was overcast which took the edge off a bit. A little rain would be nice though, at least to keep my grass green a little bit longer.

And dont even get me started on the flies!!!

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