Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

For anyone iinterested- the order forms are now availble for the new edition of the Australian Poultry Standards. Apparently their has been an issue with the printing of some of the pictures- but expected availability is Mid January at this stage.

Order form can be found in the Australasin Poutlry magazine and down loadable from another Australian website- pm me for deltails of where to find it - or I can email a form to you as well.

Costs are $90 + $13 Postage or if you want a limited edition then its an extra $30.
Could be a nice Christmas Present!(for me!)

Here is one of my silly Malays,gone broody in the feed bin!

Hmmm rain for goats, rain for goats? Yeah, sounds fair.
When you work out how your going to pack it I'll come pick it up and drop you off a couple of my extra boys. You can't have just one goat ya know.

Ma Noob, 40 already?
I thought our 35 forecast was bad but it's better than 40!

Ducky, it's finally, really going to be available? Seems like it's been 'coming out soon' for years.
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. I sure want it.

Wooklet, how did she manage that? Silly girl!
I sent off my money order today.. my equivalent of " build it and they will come... " 6 more weeks isnt so long...

wooklet -
at least she wont go hungry while sitting... but i sure hope she gets out when nature calls.
Yup 40 already! was 38 here today, ended up being a bushfire in scrub at the back of houses here today, it sprug up just as the change was coming through and we had 60km/hr winds. That whipped up all the dust. was looking a bit hairy for a while lots of smoke and they had to close road and evacuate. Thankfully the wind died and they managed to get it under control. As far as i know the only damage is a bit of burnt school oval. Lucky though, it could have been worse.

Thankfully I decided not to play lawn bowls this arvo and just played this mornign, otherwise i would have been covered in dust and smoke

Pulled missing hen off the eggs that she decided to sit on, and cleared out all the eggs, also picked out the couple that have been booted out by the broody hen. Decided to candle them all tonight just for curiosty. Most look empty, but i found one that looked like it had a little more and an air cell. So I decided to crack it open and sure enough there was a little tiny chic inside. It had passed, not sure when but looked maybe 12 days old? Had quite a large eye still but you could see the little wings and toes on it, very cute for an ugly thing. My son found it facinating to see. Has been quite the learning experience this growing chicken thing. Im pretty sure the broody is sat on about 9 eggs now. She hasnt moved much for the last day or so, so im guessing it must be getting near hatch time.

Have been having a bit of trouble with the brooder temp though, i think i need a lesser lightbulb. But with it being so warm outside, even in my laundry its been sitting around 28 degrees, Ive been tempted to only have the light on at night time. But im moving it in and out all the time, as the temp is jumping anywhere from 31 up to 39. (although a couple of times im sure the chooks have been on the sensor) Im keeping the light on one corner so they can move away if its too hot.

Wooklet: At least she wouldnt have starved!
hahaha Ducky: I didnt even think of the poop thing! Would have been funny if she layed an egg there
Ma Noob - she did lay an egg there and then sat glued to it! We have had to remove her and the egg,not a good spot to choose!!
We have just on 6 acres. Wooklet love the picture of your Malay. My one malay spends 90% of her time broody, That girl is one violent lady if you decide to move her and she wants to sit lol.
What colour is your Malay? Yes, ours can get pretty violent if you try to move them, I dread to think what they would be like with chickens! Haven't found out yet as ours are incubated. The 2 that have gone broody on eggs actually broke their eggs,they are so big and clumsy!
Had a great surprise here today, the hen I bought at the auction who was supposed to be egg bound laid me an egg!

I couldn't see her well because I was right at the back of the crowd but I could see enough to know she was a standard Indian Game hen. Several people including me were bidding on her and then someone said something I couldn't hear and they said they were going to start the bidding again. I thought either they'd taken a bid by mistake or something but when no-one jumped in and they looked at me I bid and there was deafening silence. Uh oh I think, what did I miss? They knocked her down to me and a guy in front of me says "She's eggbound you know. 'Course she'll still make a good meal." Oh great! I wanted her for breeding.

Anyway, I collected her soon after, she was looking really miserable too and took her back to the car and inspected her. Poor girl's rear was badly swollen and stuck closed with dried poo! Yuck! So I cleaned it off and popped her back in the carrier to make a quick phone call, while I'm looking for the number I hear an icky sound and the car is filled with the aroma of reeking poop!!!
Think broody poop but worse if that's possible.
Bailed out, cleaned out the carrier and took her home to quarantine. I was thinking I'd just have to see how she did and if she really was eggbound I'd have to try and move it but I couldn't feel an egg in there, just soft swelling.

She's been looking better and better since she's been able to poop! I'm thrilled she's laid me an egg, proves she is indeed not eggbound and just needed someone to take the time to clean her behind.
The things I do for the critters 'round here!
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