Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi There! I am an American but I have lived in Qld for 13 years now. I am only two months into chooks, my pekin bantams have hatched eggs for us, now we wait patiently to see which silkies are pullets or roos. I am nervous about having a rooster but one would be a natural thing to do. I've also rushed into most of my chooks and now I am eyeing so many other beautiful breeds wishing I had gotten only a couple of bantams to start. Our lovely farm store in Yandina always have a variety of interesting breeds. Hamburgs are in there now, very nice. I am greatful for these forums to help with my questions. :)
Im thinking quacky thoughts for your eggs and ducky sitting on them Satay... best of luck.

Beehiveginger .. 13 years.. What brought you out to this lovely country of ours???
Welcome beehiveginger.
So do you live in Yandina? Thats not that far from me.
You don't by any chance want any Guinea keets or week old Australorp and light Sussex chicks do you?

And yes, the hanburgs are beautiful.
Hi guinea fowl galore,

I think I have my hands full already, but I'll keep you mind if it comes up. :) I just added an austrolorp chick today! I put a 2 day old under Sweet Dee my other broody girl bantam, I peeked earlier, all seems okay so far. Loving the SE breezes lately. March is my favorite month. :)
Beehiveginger. I'm still quite a newby as well. You live in a lovely part of the world. I lived on the Sunshine Coast for 10 years - 8 of those in Maroochydore - wonderful beaches, one of the best in the world. The other 2 I lived in Palmwoods, also a nice spot.

All the best with your chicks. I have a silkie and a Conure parrot and a silly Pomeranian dog named Oli who at the moment loves eating chick pooh.
He will also lick up the parrot pooh - I don't know why he does this, maybe it's attention seeking however he gets most of the attention and goes places where the birds do not go. Who knows, maybe I can get him out of this habit. Last time I found him in the small chicken coop looking for it - oh well he won't be licking me any more, that's for sure. My worm farm seems to be going well and they like the veges I put in there. I'll take a photo soon.
Hi Beehiveginger! :welcome
I've only ever been to Queensland once, but it was quite a nice place, despite the humid weather. :p Even now, after all these years, I'm still not accustomed to the heat. :lol:
:welcome   Beehiveginger.  I'm still quite a newby as well.  You live in a lovely part of the world. I lived on the Sunshine Coast for 10 years - 8 of those in Maroochydore - wonderful beaches, one of the best in the world.  The other 2 I lived in Palmwoods, also a nice spot.

All the best with your chicks.  I have a silkie and a Conure parrot and a silly Pomeranian dog named Oli who at the moment loves eating chick pooh.  :idunno  He will also lick up the parrot pooh - I don't know why he does this, maybe it's attention seeking however he gets most of the attention and goes places where the birds do not go.  Who knows, maybe I can get him out of this habit.  Last time I found him in the small chicken coop looking for it - oh well he won't be licking me any more, that's for sure.  My worm farm seems to be going well and they like the veges I put in there.  I'll take a photo soon.

Aussie Lady we have a new puppy Thor an Akita x bullmastiff. He is 8 weeks old. He loves chicken poop but is also parshial to turkey poop too. His favourite thing to eat at the moment is grower (turkey) lol.
Beehiveginger. I'm still quite a newby as well. You live in a lovely part of the world. I lived on the Sunshine Coast for 10 years - 8 of those in Maroochydore - wonderful beaches, one of the best in the world. The other 2 I lived in Palmwoods, also a nice spot.

All the best with your chicks. I have a silkie and a Conure parrot and a silly Pomeranian dog named Oli who at the moment loves eating chick pooh.
He will also lick up the parrot pooh - I don't know why he does this, maybe it's attention seeking however he gets most of the attention and goes places where the birds do not go. Who knows, maybe I can get him out of this habit. Last time I found him in the small chicken coop looking for it - oh well he won't be licking me any more, that's for sure. My worm farm seems to be going well and they like the veges I put in there. I'll take a photo soon.

Helloooooo! I'm not from Australia, but does it count if it's the number one place in the world I would LOVE to visit? I'm from Michigan in the US (very COLD here right now!) and decided to break out of the Michigan Thread to see what's going on in the rest of the world and try to warm up a bit. I saw this Australia thread and figured it was the closest I could get to coming for a visit! Hope you don't mind?

I had to laugh when I read Aussie Lady's post about her little pup eating pooh! I have three Chinese Crested dogs named Versace (Sachi), Jimmy Choo and Vera Wang. Jimmy (the one in the middle) follows my chickens around like they are his own personal candy dispensers. He also eats my macaw's poo as soon as it hits the floor. Yuck! Must taste good to them. I can't get him to stop.

I have 13 hens and 2 roosters and one mama Barred Rock with 4 new babies (I'm pretty sure 2 pullets and 2 roos). Just want to share a couple of pictures and then I'll be on my way back to Michigan, but hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time to warm up and visit for a few. Take care!

Welcome Chickmate to our thread. I feel soooo much better now - I thought that Oli had some type of complex. I absolutely love the photos of your dogs
the look on their faces is adorable. I always wanted to buy a hairless Chinese crested but hubby thinks they are ugly and too exy to buy. Well I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder so the saying goes. Your chicken coop and sheds are lovely and the backdrop of the forest is very picturesque. It seems and looks like you live in the country - I envy you. We want to go bush and we will once I finish my studies. You are also very welcome to come and have a browse at the "Help for the Newbies" thread. We do need all the help we can get and any suggestions and comments are most appreciated. Anyway, just wanted to send out a warm G'day from this Aussie girl
who is here sweating as she writes. It is our Summer and where I live it is hot and muggy
. We sort of have our own lingo, so if you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask what they mean and we can tell you all about the "drop bears" and our Rosella jam and the Kangaroos that just don't want to get out of our cities etc...
You can trust us ........ Isn't that right fellow Aussies

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