Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


Thats exactly why this new Aussie thread was started chickmate- the old one was very much like that and some of us in the older age bracket decided a slower paced thread was needed., someone we could drop in once or twice a week and not have to wade through 40 pages since our last post. Anywho - welcome to the aussie thread. I am loving your photos.

We dont have anywhere near the numbers of predators you have over there- and are possums are much more gentle loveable creatures. We do have a few of our own - like the dingo, Tasmanian Devil, Quolls and the odd panther that props up now and then.
Satay - these are araucana / Plymouth rock crossbreds. my other project involves a pure Lavender araucana rooster over 'deconstructed" white Isa browns to maybe produce a decent blue/green layer without the broodiness. It will take at least 3 generations.


Satay - these are araucana / Plymouth rock crossbreds. my other project involves a pure Lavender araucana rooster over 'deconstructed" white Isa browns to maybe produce a decent blue/green layer without the broodiness. It will take at least 3 generations.



I would love to see pics of them Michael. Good on you for having a go. I have lavender in the hens but my rooster died a while back. I do have both sexes in white though.
Chickmate goannas and crows steal eggs mostly. Snakes would take eggs and chicks if they got a chance. The worst predator over hear would be foxes they will take full grown hens. Snakes generally are quite timid and most will slither off if they see you coming. The one here you advoid at all cost is the death adder. It's a rather small fat snake and can bite it's own tale in a 100th of a second. Snakes normally only attack if they are scared or hungry. We actually have two pet no venous snakes. A 9ft coastal carpet and 2ft spotted python. They only deadly spider we have in qld is the red back. It's a small spider.
I'm actually from Adelaide. (Anti-climax, huh? :p) I've never been to the US, but would love to visit one day. :lol:

No predators down my way. We usually leave the coop door open at night, we used to shut it but after realising there was nothing more dangerous than the neighbours' cats (cowardly specimens, really :p) around, we stopped bothering.

We do get large spiders and snakes out in the country though. Had one massive eight legged item about the size of a fist lurking on my outer cabin wall on camp.... named her "Georgie" and we terrified the other groups by getting them to come see. :lol: Georgie was really quite harmless.
Hello ducky! I have to admit, the fast pace of the MI thread, as with your other Aussie thread is a bit to keep up with. It is nice to come over here and only have six or eight posts to read as opposed to 60 or 80. That takes some time!

I'm amazed as I had imagined you Aussies fighting off all kind of predators, day and night. Especially snakes! Oh, I'm learning so much. I assumed Tasmanian devils were only found on the island, not on the mainland. I know what a dingo is, but a Quoll sounds like a troll from Queensland? And I didn't know you had panthers!

I fogot to mention we have bobcats and black bears as well, but the closest to me you would find them is another 200 miles north or so. Also forgot to mention weasels and mink. They can get through a hole that is only 1 inch in diameter and quickly kill an entire flock. My biggest fear besides rats. My coop is completely secure, but I leave the pop door open 24/7, so a weasel, mink or rat could easily get in through the 1x2 inch welded wire my run is made of. Years ago there used to be mink farms around here, so I know they are still out there, I just haven't seen any.

If you are from Michigan and trying to explain to someone where you're from you hold your hand up with the palm facing you and point to the spot on the "mitten" where you live. Of course, that doesn't count the upper peninsula or 'UP'. We call the people who live up there Yoopers. There is a very long bridge that connects the two peninsulas so they call those of us who live in the lower peninsula Trolls because we live under the bridge
. If you look on the right side of the mitten just above Detroit there is a little hook. I live at the tip of that hook, just across the river from Canada.

Ah yes, Michael, you have reminded me how messy ducks are. I had them many years ago. I thought a duck could hatch chicks or a chicken hatch ducklings, but had never heard of anyone who did it. I understand now why you 'chickened' out!

Ashburnham - You mentioned a 'deconstructed' white ISA Brown. I am very new to many chicken breeds but if I remember correctly an ISA is the result of breeding a Rhode Island White to a Rhode Island Red. So what is a deconstructed white ISA? I'm interested because one of my new chicks is from an ISA Brown egg who's daddy is either my BR roo or my EE roo. I thought the chick would be red/brown with flecks of black, but I am surprised it is white.

satay - I lost eight chickens to foxes last year when they were free ranging. I can not stand to keep them cooped up, so I take the chance of losing them because I think they are happier pecking around the yard, even with the risks. One of my favorite shows when it was on was Crocodile Hunter because I am so interested in wildlife. Steve Irwin was amazing. Anyway, I remember the show he did on the venomous snakes of Australia and the death adder. I'm really glad we don't have them here. I believe your 'redback' is the same or related to our 'black widow' spider. I have heard we have black widows as well as brown recluse spiders here, but I've never seen one.

guinea - Your Lillie is precious! You better explain to him why he has a 'girly' name so he doesn't get a complex. You are very brave taking on two puppies at the same time! Can't wait to see pictures of George when you get him. Congratulations!!

Fierlin - You fooled me with your "y'all"! I thought you might be from Texas. I just can't imagine NO predators and leaving the pop door open all night. I can only do it because my attached run is secure. I could never leave the pop door open if I didn't have the run. Raccoons are #1 on our predator list and foxes are #2. You don't have raccoons in Australia? I thought they could even be found on the moon!

Well, I've run off at the mouth (or keyboard) again. Sorry! I just can't help it, you Aussies are so obliging and friendly. I'll run out of things to say soon enough, don't worry.

Bye for now!
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:lol: Yes, most people do think I have an American connection because of the title. In actual fact, it's just one of my favourite phrases from Dallas air traffic control, so you were halfway there... :p

Anyway, no raccoons! We don't even get possums in my part of the city. It's really quite lucky we live there, because we don't have to worry about the chickens! The neighbours used to be overprotective of their birds too, but we all loosened up after we realised there was nothing harmful in our suburb at all. :lol:

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