Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

That would be good Ducky thanks.
I had an email from one person yesterday who had a young white drake 5 weeks old and wanted $60. I said is it show quality and she replied what's that. Think I'll keep looking for now lol.
hi everyone

Just wanted to stop in and say a quick hello...... and that I realised how much I miss out on when I don't touch base for a week or so!

I really wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to both duckyfromoz and wooklet for sending me some beautiful feathers for my friends wedding. They are just lovely, thankyou for your time and effort. Let me know you what I owe you ;)

I'll have about a wine box full (loosely packed) of feathers when I finish washing the last lot. Such a wide range too.... they really are all quite stunning. I even have a bunch of spotted guinea fowl feathers! Here is a picture of my collection before I added the ones from you guys and another few handfuls I have gathered:

Thanks again soooo much duckyfromoz & wooklet. I appreciate the time and effort that you went to...... and so will my friend!
How much longer until the wedding?? I have a few girls molting right now- and I can pick feathers like apples off a tree with them at the moment
Wooklet- it is my absolute pleasure. Its great to be able to share my ducks with others and see how much they are appreciated.

Well, it's been a while. Okay, about four days, but it seems like forever. Especially as I've had about 8 hours sleep that entire time... that's what you get for being a student! But I do have results to show for it: I now have a certificate in Applied First Aid! Yay!

Fierlin - I don't usually like doing anything twice, like watching a movie or reading a book or visiting somewhere. I don't think I've been to Hahndorf as a tourist since I was a little kid. But I live reasonably close and it's a central venue for my homeschooling group to meet - we spread up just past Birdwood, out to Murray Bridge and Noarlunga and Strathalbyn, and in to Belair and Blackwood, so Hahndorf is a pretty central place... also there's a Lutheran care home there which we've been going to to do concerts four times a year for about eight years, so I go in then. I especially don't like Hahndorf because it's so busy... and the fake German thing gets on my nerves!

Tina - my Araucanas are moulting (or at least loosing feathers...) at the moment, too, so I could probably send you quite a few if there's time.

Okay, now I've caught up, I'll give news about my poultry.

On Thursday, I sold one of my Frizzles. I got them as chicks a while back (I've never kept Frizzles before but I intend to breed maybe), and ended up with far too many roosters (three roosters out of five chicks). So I kept the ones with the colours I wanted and sold the other. It sold remarkably quickly and the buyer was thrilled as she's been looking for a while for a Frizzle rooster with that colouring. Who'd have thought? Anyway, I was quite pleased with that.

I used to money to purchase three point-of-lay female quails. I've just started with quails so I got one of each colour I didn't have. I think I know now which colour I'm going to try to breed with... the feathers on one of them are absolutely gorgeous! I'm not sure what it's called for quails, but they're brown with gold lacing on chickens. Okay, so I'm a sucker for lacing. If Sebrights didn't lay so poorly, I'd seriously consider getting some. I might even still consider it...

Then this morning, my sister purchased a sandpit for her ducks (you know those plastic shell ones), filled it up with water, and put it in with them. Then my mother came in and said, "The ducklings are loving it! They're taking to it like a duck to water!". Well, what could I say but what I did; "Mum, they ARE ducks and it IS water."
Wooklet- I wish now you had come for this weekend to pick up your girls and you could have heard what I heard today at the Geelong Poultry club show. I spoke 2 the judge when his duties for the day were finished- as well as another fellow who judged some of my birds last year and another fellow I have never met. All pretty much agreed with my thoughts on my own birds as far as who was best etc and it certainly was great to be reminded of what I am looking for in a good bird. It makes me look at the younger of the two you picked and makes me realise she is even better than I thought before today!!!

Rachel96 - try putting some peas in the pool and watch them dabble for them.. I love watching my ducks do that in their pool.

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