Australorp? I Don't Think So!

It amounts to the same thing whether she's a Minorca, Andalusian or Leghorn. Plenty of white eggs, but more flighty in temperament. I'm assuming it is a hatchery bird, so you will probably never know for sure which she is, since hatchery birds often don't completely match standards. For instance, a Minorca comb should have a little roll in front, with the comb folding one way and then flopping over the other side. This bird doesn't have that, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's not a hatchery Minorca. Black Leghorns should have yellow or dusky yellow legs, and this bird has black legs, but that's not definitive proof when it comes to hatchery birds. So really who knows for sure? Just enjoy her for herself.
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It amounts to the same thing whether she's a Minorca, Andalusian or Leghorn. Plenty of white eggs, but more flighty in temperament. I'm assuming it is a hatchery bird, so you will probably never know for sure which she is, since hatchery birds often don't completely match standards. For instance, a Minorca comb should have a little roll in front, with the comb folding one way and then flopping over the other side. This bird doesn't have that, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's not a hatchery Minorca. Black Leghorns should have yellow or dusky yellow legs, and this bird has black legs, but that's not definitive proof when it comes to hatchery birds. So really who knows for sure? Just enjoy her for herself.
Thanks, Jed. Yes, she was a hatchery bird. When I notified the seller that she was not a BA, she basically blamed the hatchery.
And, yes, can she fly! The first snow we had here all but paralyzed my 2 Orps. They just stood at the coop door, afraid to step on the snow. Well, this little thing comes out and says, "No problem!" She flew the entire width of the yard, and landed on a patch of grass 40 feet away!
I couldn't believe it. She looked like a crow.
Black Leghorns are pretty rare or at least most hatcheries don’t carry them so she’s more likely to be an Andalusian or Minorca. Not that Leghorn is impossible but just doesn’t seem as likely.
Agreed. I can't think of any that offer them. Not to mention legs are way too dark.

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