Australorps breed Thread

terrific hatch rate, mate. Congrats!

I kept notes last year on all my shipped egg hatches. I also played with the Incubator while empty to learn how to keep the humidity right where I thought it needed to be depending on the stage of hatch. It worked very well for this hatch.

Everyone I know who has chickens said to get a Black Australorp. They said they were great layers, friendly, and cold tolerant. Everything I was looking for in a chicken. But I wasn't sold on their looks. EVERYONE raved that they were just beautiful. Not just black as you could see other colors in the right light. After seeing my friend's BA in person I was finally sold. When I got my chicks last month I got a BA.

Now my BA, Lottie, is almost 4 weeks old. And everyone who sees her says she's ugly.
Even my friends who have BAs and convinced me to get one say she doesn't look right. I've never had chicks before so I have no idea if they look normal or not. I'm assuming most do, but I'm worried I got bad genes with my BA. I don't plan on showing my chickens, so look isn't really a big deal. But I still want to know what you all (who have hopefully seen a wide arrange of looks in BAs) to give me your opinion. (Also, if she screams roo, let me know. I can't keep a roo, so a heads up on rehoming would be good.)

Now my BA, Lottie, is almost 4 weeks old. And everyone who sees her says she's ugly.
Even my friends who have BAs and convinced me to get one say she doesn't look right. I've never had chicks before so I have no idea if they look normal or not. I'm assuming most do, but I'm worried I got bad genes with my BA. I don't plan on showing my chickens, so look isn't really a big deal. But I still want to know what you all (who have hopefully seen a wide arrange of looks in BAs) to give me your opinion. (Also, if she screams roo, let me know. I can't keep a roo, so a heads up on rehoming would be good.)

I think lady as I dont see any wattles . She is in that gawky grow out stage ..that most chickens get .
they look goofier with 2 colors...I think she will grow into her body as she gets older ...its just a little out of proportion which happens .
I had a americana that is totally black now that look like this in the grow stage
Everyone I know who has chickens said to get a Black Australorp. They said they were great layers, friendly, and cold tolerant. Everything I was looking for in a chicken. But I wasn't sold on their looks. EVERYONE raved that they were just beautiful. Not just black as you could see other colors in the right light. After seeing my friend's BA in person I was finally sold. When I got my chicks last month I got a BA.

Now my BA, Lottie, is almost 4 weeks old. And everyone who sees her says she's ugly.
Even my friends who have BAs and convinced me to get one say she doesn't look right. I've never had chicks before so I have no idea if they look normal or not. I'm assuming most do, but I'm worried I got bad genes with my BA. I don't plan on showing my chickens, so look isn't really a big deal. But I still want to know what you all (who have hopefully seen a wide arrange of looks in BAs) to give me your opinion. (Also, if she screams roo, let me know. I can't keep a roo, so a heads up on rehoming would be good.)

The pics I posted of my chicks is showing them at 1-1 and a half weeks old from staggered hatches. From the pics I've seen, they tend to be homely growing up, not really pretty at all, but when they grow up, they are beautiful. As for sexing, we were just discussing earlier on this thread that it can be very difficult to sex this breed at an early age, and you mostly have to just grow them out. Give it time. You may end up with the best, and prettiest bird in your flock.
I think lady as I dont see any wattles . She is in that gawky grow out stage ..that most chickens get .
they look goofier with 2 colors...I think she will grow into her body as she gets older ...its just a little out of proportion which happens .
I had a americana that is totally black now that look like this in the grow stage
Yes, it's like they are in that "gawky teenager" stage of life!!
My 4 BA chicks are looking just like yours right's hilarious to watch them flit around the brooder, bumping into each other, jumping like crazy....typical "teenager" antics! When they get full grown they will be jet black with purple/green highlights to their feathers, very watch, it'll happen!!
It's just the age. They are definitely awkward as they grow up.

Here's one of mine who is about 3 - 4 weeks old (yes, I know he screams roo)

And these are some of my 9 week olds:
Thanks for all the reassurance! I knew I could count on BYC to not call my baby ugly (or fugly as my DH says). I have a couple of older chicks and they did have an awkward stage but it passed more quickly. I guess Lottie is just going to be an awkward teen a little longer. I'll make sure to post grown up comparison pics when she's older. =]
Thanks for all the reassurance! I knew I could count on BYC to not call my baby ugly (or fugly as my DH says). I have a couple of older chicks and they did have an awkward stage but it passed more quickly. I guess Lottie is just going to be an awkward teen a little longer. I'll make sure to post grown up comparison pics when she's older. =]

If she's anything like mine, it won't be the only awkward stage, just the fugliest. ;) Australorps take a while to grow and are usually a year old before they finally stop changing. Then they moult and look goofy all over again. LOL

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