Australorps breed Thread

Everyone I know who has chickens said to get a Black Australorp. They said they were great layers, friendly, and cold tolerant. Everything I was looking for in a chicken. But I wasn't sold on their looks. EVERYONE raved that they were just beautiful. Not just black as you could see other colors in the right light. After seeing my friend's BA in person I was finally sold. When I got my chicks last month I got a BA.

Now my BA, Lottie, is almost 4 weeks old. And everyone who sees her says she's ugly.
Even my friends who have BAs and convinced me to get one say she doesn't look right. I've never had chicks before so I have no idea if they look normal or not. I'm assuming most do, but I'm worried I got bad genes with my BA. I don't plan on showing my chickens, so look isn't really a big deal. But I still want to know what you all (who have hopefully seen a wide arrange of looks in BAs) to give me your opinion. (Also, if she screams roo, let me know. I can't keep a roo, so a heads up on rehoming would be good.)

Awww she is very cute!!!

I love her!

I have 25 BAs right now (7 are hens and the others are growing out). They do go through an awkward phase and their feather color is rather dull at that time. When they get their adult plumage it turns green and purple in the sunshine. They are graceful, poised chickens.

Very good layers too!
I love my BAs.
He's so sad to look at right now. He has down feathers sticking out all over his neck and breast, no tail to speak of and super timid. He rushed my hand once when I was giving treats but thats it. Hopefully he stays nice so I can keep him.
Wow, little Betty is so pretty and Primal Momma's roo??? Let's me know what to expect as my new babies that will be arriving soon, start to grow.
In other words, take the baby pics FAST!!!
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That was about a week ago that I took that one. We're going to clean out the brooder tonight so I'll take another for comparison. He's already doing a good job though. Gave the girls grapes for a treat this afternoon, and he made sure they all had one before he got his own, lol.

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