Australorps breed Thread

I had Not heard that ...I always thought eating raw eggs was a macho thing ..
I have never wormed my chickens or ever seen any sign of worms in them .

Maybe the Apple cider vinegar in their water makes a bad environment for worms ?
I also give them chopped raw onions or hot pepper flakes or cayenne pepper in their treats occasionally

Raw egg white is also good for putting on a burn ..
I antibacterial all my eggs by putting some white vinegar in the last rinse then let them dry ..

I had a burn on my stomach & leg from the boiling hot water coming out of a pressure cooker .
( It was my fault ..I was in a hurry to do the next lot ...and opened it while it still had pressure )
I opened it & it sprayed out at my stomach & leg ....It hurt horribly ...I put a cold wash cloth on it ...
the minute I took it off it hurt again ..I searched the internet for a remedy ..
Found Raw egg whites ..
Tried it ....Instant Relief stopped hurting immediately ! ...only a few spots on my stomach blistered with time .
I applied it twice a day & let it dry each time ..After a year can hardly even tell I was burned there .
It healed so nicely ...

Well...with regard to m own eggs, my only concern with eating raw eggs would be salmonella. Beyond that, I could eat a raw egg with little concern...but I would absolutely have to gulp it out of a glass and I couldn't chew...not once.
Quote: Nice to know about the whites being good for burns. Growing up, I used egg white as a facial mask to tighten pores.

When the chickens are perfectly healthy, and kept free of crawlies, the coop and nesting materials are kept clean, and eggs collected daily, there should be no issues with salmonella, or anything else.
We've always been borderline anal about keeping the nesting boxes clean, the feed and water containers aren't allowed to stay soiled but chickens that are well fed are chickens that are going to sheit, be it on one foot or two. I still wouldn't lick an egg shell any more than I would drink water out of a cow track...Just gotta use common sense.

EDIT: to correct spelling...just too many errors. Getting old.

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My hen started laying about 10 days ago. I was very surprised how big her eggs are from the get go. Also finding out how well they lay. In 10 days only missed 2 days. Need to start breeding this pair I have. Need more hens like her.
My, at the time, 8 month old Aussie laid her first egg 1/2/15. She has only missed 2 days, and so far has laid an egg 12 days in a row. The first 2 were small, but all the rest have been large size. Do they all lay like this? The other one, now 9 months old has not started to lay yet.
How many weeks was she ? Mine is 13 weeks I think, curious how much longer we are looking at to maturity.
Australorps average 25 weeks to reach point of lay. There are seasonal and line variations though. You are into shorter hours of daylight now in Australia so it might take a week or two longer.

Expect and egg at 22 to 27 weeks old.
We are actually middle of summer so are having longer days. Mind you you wouldn't know it, it's been pretty mild so far (hope I don't regret saying that lol)
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We are actually middle of summer so are having longer days. Mind you you wouldn't know it, it's been pretty mild so far (hope I don't regret saying that lol)
On Dec. 21, we started having longer days so I thought Southern Hemisphere started having shorter days at the same time.

Check the hours of light you have and see if yours will reach POL(point of lay) before the daylight hours go down to 12 per day.

Still, 22 to 27 weeks old for the first egg.

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