Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

Can you provide the features of the Australorp and the points value given for each?
I have tried before but it gets removed.

It is copyrighted by the American Poultry Association and not allowed to be posted. You can post pictures here and have others check to see what the faults are.
BluRoo, you can look up the UK standards, and while they are a little different, you will get a good idea of what you are looking for. Another thing I did before I got my SOP book was to google SOP Black Australorps, and Prize winning Black Australorps, Champion Black Australorps, etc. Bookmark, and study the pictures a lot. You can find pictures from way back, to current day.
BluRoo, you can look up the UK standards, and while they are a little different, you will get a good idea of what you are looking for. Another thing I did before I got my SOP book was to google SOP Black Australorps, and Prize winning Black Australorps, Champion Black Australorps, etc. Bookmark, and study the pictures a lot. You can find pictures from way back, to current day.
Very good advice. That is a very impressive coop set up. I am jealous, do you want to build that in WV for me? Make sure you have some solid dividers between cockerels and cocks to keep them from fighting thru the wire unless you stick hens and pullets between them.
BluRoo, you can look up the UK standards, and while they are a little different, you will get a good idea of what you are looking for. Another thing I did before I got my SOP book was to google SOP Black Australorps, and Prize winning Black Australorps, Champion Black Australorps, etc. Bookmark, and study the pictures a lot. You can find pictures from way back, to current day.
Thank you GetaClue. I have looked up the different standards. (Did not see Champion Black Australorps. I had a very old edition. ) My question was referring to the idea of showing Astralorps for 4-H. We were thinking of offering our chickens to kids who don't have the opportunity to show chickens in 4-H. I think its a great program. I will check with out local extension office. They probably have a list of points correlating to certain features. Kurt, has been very helpful with information regarding our Australorp breeding program, including his great birds that we started with.
Kurt, I suspect this will be the last coop I build in my lifetime, nonetheless, no one could pay me enough to build another one. Maybe if I were younger, but I'm not, so it's out of the question. I put wire mesh with 1/2 inch holes, 3 ft. tall, between all the coops, and runs, so they can't really hurt one another. They seem to learn very quickly that they can't really fight, so a short lived display of hackles once in a great while is as far as it goes. It's all bluff. I discovered this when I put black plastic mesh in my first coop, to prevent the roosters from hurting one another through the welded wire. I had one cock next to his dad in the bachelor pad. Over time, a small section of the plastic mesh had torn off. They would give each other stink eye, but both of them would move over to where the plastic mesh was intact, before getting their hackles up. Even then, it was not often, and very short lived.
I got my first external pip a little bit ago, and other eggs are rocking.

Congrats! Keep us updated on your hatch! I haven't set anymore of mine right now. I'm waiting until I'm sure that my young Blue Australorp rooster born this past New Years is covering all of his hens. I cracked 2 eggs open from his pen yesterday. One was fertile, and one was not. He's just now getting started.

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