automatic door back in business

bj taylor

8 Years
Oct 28, 2011
North Central Texas
the last week the door has been off line. opens when it wants, closes when it wants. chickens locked in, chickens locked out. what a mess! i could NOT get it to re-program. finally called the manufacturer & he talked me through my problems. i hadn't lubricated the pin at the bottom. duh. back in business, thank goodness. now, if i could just convince little miss lucy (an older barred rock) to roost with the rest, all would be well. she wants to live in a world with no roosters so she goes out of her way to be where they aren't. because she's part of my original girls she gets to do whatever she wants. she's the only one who still gets to poop on my patio & scratch mulch onto the gravel path.
I would like to you advice you that update some information about your automatic door. Than only we can give the best advice.
I have an Ador1, and I sell The Incredible Poultry Door on my website. I like both doors very much. I would also be selling the Ador1 if Rod had a wholesale program.
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Not sure why people are willing to pay so much for a purchased door............ I don't have any building, engineering, mechanical, or electrical experience and I built my own by reading BYC and watching Youtube with a $5 automatic car antenna from a junk yard..... All the details are in my signature line below.

I guess to each his/her own..............

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