Avaian flu and adding chicks


Nov 22, 2021
With avian flu in the rise is anyone adding chicks? I was thinking about getting chicks from my local Tractor Supply but didn't want to potentially harm my 4 existing chickens. I guess what I am asking si will everyone be ok since chicks are pretty much quarantined from thw other birds for a bit anyway? And has anyone added birds or decided to not add birds I just really want to hear other people's opinions.
Thanks in advanced
I have been wondering the same thing since they are in store and not outside BUT there are al the people coming in and out of the store too.

I think with keeping them in a brooder away from your flock until they are feather will count as their quarantine period, just need to be good at changing clothes and good hygiene.
Thats what I was thinking! I've been seeing everyone on the byc fb page getting chicks so maybe its safe? O was even debating on incubating my own but I really want new breeds lol!
Like @BrooksHatlen above, I have no plans to bring new fgenetics into my flock this year. I'm still culling down from last year. That said, I will be hatching more birds this Spring/Summer for winter layers and to advance my project. Still, current plan is to go into Fall with 35 birds, not 80.

Its impractical, and beyond budget, for me to try and create an adequate covered run for my birds, so if AI comes back with a vengeance in the fall migration southward, I'll need to cull down to a much smaller number (and cull all my ducks). With limited freezer space, I just can't send that many birds to camp.... The select few will be moved into the grow out pen in the barn, but its only 40 sq ft, barely room for two handfuls.

I'll have to be flock lean before that happens, if it happens.
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Same as @3KillerBs
Hatching some, and ordering from 2 hatcheries.

Mine will be in my house until 4 weeks old. I am actually brooding all 3 groups separate for the first week just to make sure there are no problems in any group.
Thats a great idea! Also random question but I have a roo already will he be ok introducing 4 new hens into the flock? I know the older hens tend yo peck and assert pecking order but what about roos?
Thats a great idea! Also random question but I have a roo already will he be ok introducing 4 new hens into the flock? I know the older hens tend yo peck and assert pecking order but what about roos?

I have no direct experience, but what I've read is that males usually welcome new hens.

But I would do a solid "look-don't-touch" thing anyway. :)

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