Avaian flu and adding chicks

I have no direct experience, but what I've read is that males usually welcome new hens.

But I would do a solid "look-don't-touch" thing anyway. :)
Perfect! Thank you! I'm new to . I've had my 4 for the past 5 months or so and now I'm obsessed and want more chickens but I love my existing flock I just want everything to go over smoothly lol!
@ Kaford - your current flock is apt to be more of a problem to your chicks. And space.

Are you on the east coast - cause where you are is probably the biggest problem.

I am getting chicks, but chicks themselves, are really not exposed to the outside the first weeks of their lives, so I am not worried. They are considered only a slight hazard biologically speaking, because of their very short time of living, the chance of viral exposure is small.

Mrs K
@ Kaford - your current flock is apt to be more of a problem to your chicks. And space.

Are you on the east coast - cause where you are is probably the biggest problem.

I am getting chicks, but chicks themselves, are really not exposed to the outside the first weeks of their lives, so I am not worried. They are considered only a slight hazard biologically speaking, because of their very short time of living, the chance of viral exposure is small.

Mrs K
Yes! I am on the east coast I'm in Maryland. I would like to get chicks i just want to make sure everyone will be good to go.
Then I would special order the chicks, either through a hatchery or through your local feed store. Most stores will order your birds along with others, and separate them right away, and notify you immediately for you to pick them up. They won't be exposed to the general public if you get them right away.

Mrs K
Thank you so much i did not know that! I definitely appreciate your advice.
Easter egger, Americauna? I never know how to spell it, Orrington, and probably only 4 that's the minimum at TS. I wanted to add some colorful eggs!
Those are great breeds! Plymouth Rocks are amazing too…mine are super cuddly and very friendly! I have 3 Easter Eggers that are friendly (but not cuddly…they lay beautiful eggs), and we are getting a couple Orpingtons this year because they are so amazing!
Those are great breeds! Plymouth Rocks are amazing too…mine are super cuddly and very friendly! I have 3 Easter Eggers that are friendly (but not cuddly…they lay beautiful eggs), and we are getting a couple Orpingtons this year because they are so amazing

Those are great breeds! Plymouth Rocks are amazing too…mine are super cuddly and very friendly! I have 3 Easter Eggers that are friendly (but not cuddly…they lay beautiful eggs), and we are getting a couple Orpingtons this year because they are so amazing!
I'll have to see if the next batch that TS gets has those! I procrastinated too long and when I went today they were sold out... I never thought I would be so upset over not getting chicks! 🤣 I definitely would love to be able to have colorful eggs right now I have a RIR and she's awesome probably my friendliest one and a mystic onyx she's a lieelt skidding but lats pretty cream eggs and then a barnyard mix that lays some speckles lol!

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