Average age of laying for the following breeds?


10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
East Central VA
I've been looking for a chart for the last few days but can't seem to find anything. I know some breeds tend to start laying earlier than others and am trying to find the average age of laying for the following breeds since I have a pullet pen of 11 week olds and want to be prepared for the onslaught of eggs, I have what I've been able to find so far in parenthesis next to them:

Black sex sink, black comet, black star, et.al. (14 to 18 weeks)
Gold laced wyanndotte (?)
Partridge rock (?)
Blue andalusian (24 to 28 weeks)
Black Australorp (18 to 24 weeks)
Buff Brama (18 to 24 weeks)
Silkies (24 to 30 weeks)

And since I will hopefully be setting dominique eggs here soon, those as well.

Do any of these numbers sound right to you? And again these are AVERAGES!!! Not really worried about when they actually start, just wanted to get a feel of these since I haven't had these as youngsters before
someone had a chart on here at one point... people replied in the thread at when their breed of chicken laid their first eggs and it showed the earliest and longest that was laid... hmmm wonder how to find it...
Me and search don't get along that well but I've been pulling up as many older threads as I can. Hopefully either I'll find it eventually or some wonderful person can find it before I do
I have rocks and wyandottes, and the answer is: 6 months.
Mine gave me eggs 6 months to the day! only 4 eggs out of 12 hens, but they have been laying well since (except this winter).
BUT it depends on what time of year they hatched. Mine hatched the last day of February, I had eggs the first day of september. But later chicks may not start laying till after winter, or so I hear.

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