Average Hatch Rate Thread

Adding 8Royals to the count

Broody Hens (unchanged from last post)
#eggs = 142
#chicks = 74
Average Hatch Rate = 52.1%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 493 + 13 = 516
#chicks = 236 + 8 = 244
Average Hatch Rate = 47.2%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 142 + 516 = 658
#chicks: 74 + 244 = 318
AHR = 48.32%
And one of mine yesterday 4/6

Broody Hens
#eggs = 142 + 6 = 148
#chicks = 74 + 4 = 78
Average Hatch Rate = 52.7%

Incubator Hatchers (unchanged from last post)
#eggs = 516
#chicks = 244
Average Hatch Rate = 47.2%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 148 + 516 = 664
#chicks: 78 + 244 = 322
AHR = 48.49%
This has been a most interesting thread. Really hanging there at the 50% mark. I hope the August hatchers will post too!

It would be kind of interesting to see if some months are better months to hatch from. Mrs.K
I am a math teacher, so this is right up my ally,
but it does get confusing and we all want to do it right.

so what you should do is:
add 1 to the # chicks
leave the # of eggs the same - don't change them
percentage = # chicks/ # of eggs

then go down to the total hatch
add 1 to the # of chicks
leave the # of eggs - unchanged
% = # chicks / # of eggs

I left it for you to do, but if you don't want to, just post and I can do it. no problemo!
Last edited:
Hatched my chicks 4 wks ago, but will be glad to contribute to the stat:

Broody Hens (unchanged, aint got a broody hen)
#eggs = 142 + 6 = 148
#chicks = 74 + 4 = 78
Average Hatch Rate = 52.7%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 516 + 12 = 528
#chicks = 244 + 7 = 251
Average Hatch Rate = 47.5 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 148 + 528 = 664
#chicks: 78 + 251 = 329
AHR = 49.5%
Man it is just sitting tight at 50% and really it is about the same incubating as broody. Which kind of leads me to believe that about 50% of the eggs are good? Or maybe a little higher than that.
It is interesting, I had expected the incubators to outstrip the broodies by a good margin simply because the incubator process is more controlled.

Perhaps it might yet, we're not even at a thousand eggs. Wait for the August Hatch-A-Longers to chime in, hopefully.
Broody Hens (unchanged, aint got a broody hen)
#eggs = 142 + 6 = 148
#chicks = 74 + 4 = 78
Average Hatch Rate = 52.7%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 528 + 42 = 570
#chicks = 251 + 34 = 285
Average Hatch Rate = 50 %

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 148 + 570 = 718
#chicks: 74 + 285 = 359
AHR = 50%

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