Avian Flu - Washington State

Miss Lydia, the link above is indeed broken. I'll try this again.
agr.wa.gov/FoodAnimal/AnimalHealth/.../Handbook/Current%20Handbook/ AnimalServicesHandbook12-2013.pdf

If the link is still not working, just go to the www.agr.wa.gov site and use their search engine to locate the animal health publication along with numerous others. There's a wealth of good information on this site. Agr rules and practices in WA are based on federal recommendations, so the information this site contains is useful, regardless of where you live.
The link above is good, give it time to load because you're downloading an entire book in PDF format. It's a highly comprehensive book dealing with good farm practices. It covers everything from livestock to puppies.
The link above is good, give it time to load because you're downloading an entire book in PDF format. It's a highly comprehensive book dealing with good farm practices. It covers everything from livestock to puppies.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Can someone post the section(s) that give the breakdown of what happens to owners of poultry that ignore the quarantines. I cannot open links when I am using my phone......

As far as I can find there are no articals to what happens if you don't follow quarantines. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I would hope everyone would follow the rules and comply. It's best that that we as a group contain it now then let it get to panadimc levels here in the states.

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