Avian influenza compensation


11 Years
Mar 2, 2013
Davie, Fl
Hello, I’d like to hear from people who have been through Avian influenza and were compensated by the gov can you tell me the breakdown how it was factored. For example under 1 year x$ and over 1 year x, and eggs value x roosters x, 4 years old x. Etc. I know this compensation can’t come close to the financial hit. I’d like the breakdown if someone can tell me. TIA
Hello, I’d like to hear from people who have been through Avian influenza and were compensated by the gov can you tell me the breakdown how it was factored. For example under 1 year x$ and over 1 year x, and eggs value x roosters x, 4 years old x. Etc. I know this compensation can’t come close to the financial hit. I’d like the breakdown if someone can tell me. TIA
Varies by State. Some states require compensation (or provide for it) when a flock is culled for reasons of disease control, many do not. I've not looked into FL statutes closely. But that is where I would look. You may have county rules applicable as well, but as inspection and destruction would be carried out by the State, the State's own regulations would be controlling in this circumstance.
Varies by State. Some states require compensation (or provide for it) when a flock is culled for reasons of disease control, many do not. I've not looked into FL statutes closely. But that is where I would look. You may have county rules applicable as well, but as inspection and destruction would be carried out by the State, the State's own regulations would be controlling in this circumstance
Varies by State. Some states require compensation (or provide for it) when a flock is culled for reasons of disease control, many do not. I've not looked into FL statutes closely. But that is where I would look. You may have county rules applicable as well, but as inspection and destruction would be carried out by the State, the State's own regulations would be controlling in this circumstanc
I think the compensation is pretty small and is close to the value of the bird if it were being sent to a processing plant. It is probably not even worth bothering with for backyard and companion birds.
I think the compensation is pretty small and is close to the value of the bird if it were being sent to a processing plant. It is probably not even worth bothering with for backyard and companion birds.
Thank you for your reply, meat birds and layers I would imagine would be calculated differently. Meat birds are kept 6-8 weeks they have a value then they are done. Layers, are raised 6 months, and continue to add value so the loss is different. Sadly, for me, my birds family and farm it is worth it, I have around 400 birds. Hoping someone who has walked the trenches can offer their experience.
Raingarden, no I have not seen it yet, so thank you very much, And thank you for filling me in on the amount. I filled out the paperwork when they arrived but received no paperwork up to that point. Is this for Florida or USA? I looked it over a little bit and didn't see it was even that much, when I get a chance, I will look over what you sent. I have been in a Tornado since I got the horrible news and it's been phone calls, farm visits, emails, texts and paperwork ever since. Not to mention the punch to the gut for the loss, many of these birds we have become attached to. We have raised every single one from the start. Thanks again Raingarden, and good luck to all, these are some difficult times.
Hello all I wanted to give an update as to what has been going on, so in the event someone else has to walk this path you will not go in blind. So it has been 2 weeks today (Monday)since I found the first 4 dead birds. Tuesday more dead birds not normal for us, did the research for where to send birds in Florida. The lab for Florida it is in Kissimmee Fl. https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Animals/Bronson-Animal-Disease-Diagnostic-Laboratory-BADDL.
You will need to send birds in a no drip disposable cooler. I went to Walmart purchased a red and white plastic 96 quart I think it was for around 12.00.
You can send in 5 freshly deceased birds. They want them doubled bagged I put them in ZipLock bags 2.5 gallon. I put them in across the bottom and I had ice blocks from getting medication sent to me already in the freezer. Covered the top of them with the Ice blocks. I sent two birds that had just passed and 2 that sat in a cart in the sun for a few hours. As soon as I knew I had to send those, I bagged them put them in an extra fridge to get the heat out of their bodies and start the chilling process.
You need to fill out a form for each bird, to save time fill out the form with everything but the info that will change like breed and age and make copies and just change that info on the copies. saves you a step and time. Put all this info in a zip lock so it doesn't get ruined by water. I was going to send in my NPIP info but it didn't make it and they looked me up.
Was at Fedex before they close at 5 with the cooler, it cost me 178.00 to ship a cooler that weighted 37lb that size overnight to be delivered by 10:30 am. It arrived at the lab at 9:30AM didn't hear anything Wednesday. Midday Thursday got the horrible news. Avian Influenza. And then it was just phone calls, farm visits, sign posted at the gate that we are now a quarantine area more phone calls. Then a lot of forms to fill out. I am sorry I didn't get a copy and have no clue what I signed but one was that I will accept what they send me for compensation. I will tell you that everyone that I came in contact with was professional, understood I was very upset and was extremely kind to me. you just have to go through the motions as they ask for things. Now here is something I am going to tell you that I didn't think of. They asked me for an inventory with ages and breeds. I worked off and on for 3 days typing it up. I don't think they ever looked at it. Here is what you need to do if you find yourself in my shoes. Document all your lost birds each day. Age (aprox) breed and how many you had, take pictures. You can double bag and throw them in the garbage for pick up. They will want all the birds up when they come to euthanize your flock. This is very important. Take a total of who is in each coop: breed, age, amount of birds again pictures. This is very important when it comes to totals. You will have to throw out your feed again document and put on there what it was and how much you had and they want a receipt. They will also dump feed that is in the coops. They will have a total. I could not be back there when it was being done. My son stayed with them and helped them where he could. I just couldn't see them catch birds with a net, it was flumsy / clumsy and and I just couldn't take it. I had close to 400 birds. I knew they had a job to do and they didn't like it either. It was crazy hot that day and they were all suited up. They took brakes to swap out the bunny suits and try and cool off. I think they were here for 4 hours. It was a huge team that came if you are wanting to know they use CO 2 and a garbage can lined with plastic garbage bags. I think the birds went quick. It is very stressing for me to think about I raised all these birds either hatching them myself or having them from a couple days old. We had strict bio security and illness is something that we never really had to deal with. However they tell me that the Hurricane stirred things up and it was popping up all over Florida.

It rained for 5 days after this, my property was eerie and dead like. The rain was like the property crying to me. (that's just they way it felt and I read it)

So now I am quarantined for 120 days. No new birds.
My birds live the good life living the free range life when they were big enough to do so. There is a chemical that they cleaned my property with that kills the virus called Virkon, I have not looked it up yet look into it read the label maybe you can use it to keep the grounds clear of virus. You can't do much about bird flying and pooping over your land. I don't want to keep my birds up, they love being out so much. But we will have to do some refinements on the property as for the ducks that don't die but carry the virus. They feel that was where we picked it up. I hope this helps those that need this information. There was not much out there when I was in a panic looking for info. Thanks you crazy chicken folk!
Hello all I wanted to give an update as to what has been going on, so in the event someone else has to walk this path you will not go in blind. So it has been 2 weeks today (Monday)since I found the first 4 dead birds. Tuesday more dead birds not normal for us, did the research for where to send birds in Florida. The lab for Florida it is in Kissimmee Fl. https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Animals/Bronson-Animal-Disease-Diagnostic-Laboratory-BADDL.
You will need to send birds in a no drip disposable cooler. I went to Walmart purchased a red and white plastic 96 quart I think it was for around 12.00.
You can send in 5 freshly deceased birds. They want them doubled bagged I put them in ZipLock bags 2.5 gallon. I put them in across the bottom and I had ice blocks from getting medication sent to me already in the freezer. Covered the top of them with the Ice blocks. I sent two birds that had just passed and 2 that sat in a cart in the sun for a few hours. As soon as I knew I had to send those, I bagged them put them in an extra fridge to get the heat out of their bodies and start the chilling process.
You need to fill out a form for each bird, to save time fill out the form with everything but the info that will change like breed and age and make copies and just change that info on the copies. saves you a step and time. Put all this info in a zip lock so it doesn't get ruined by water. I was going to send in my NPIP info but it didn't make it and they looked me up.
Was at Fedex before they close at 5 with the cooler, it cost me 178.00 to ship a cooler that weighted 37lb that size overnight to be delivered by 10:30 am. It arrived at the lab at 9:30AM didn't hear anything Wednesday. Midday Thursday got the horrible news. Avian Influenza. And then it was just phone calls, farm visits, sign posted at the gate that we are now a quarantine area more phone calls. Then a lot of forms to fill out. I am sorry I didn't get a copy and have no clue what I signed but one was that I will accept what they send me for compensation. I will tell you that everyone that I came in contact with was professional, understood I was very upset and was extremely kind to me. you just have to go through the motions as they ask for things. Now here is something I am going to tell you that I didn't think of. They asked me for an inventory with ages and breeds. I worked off and on for 3 days typing it up. I don't think they ever looked at it. Here is what you need to do if you find yourself in my shoes. Document all your lost birds each day. Age (aprox) breed and how many you had, take pictures. You can double bag and throw them in the garbage for pick up. They will want all the birds up when they come to euthanize your flock. This is very important. Take a total of who is in each coop: breed, age, amount of birds again pictures. This is very important when it comes to totals. You will have to throw out your feed again document and put on there what it was and how much you had and they want a receipt. They will also dump feed that is in the coops. They will have a total. I could not be back there when it was being done. My son stayed with them and helped them where he could. I just couldn't see them catch birds with a net, it was flumsy / clumsy and and I just couldn't take it. I had close to 400 birds. I knew they had a job to do and they didn't like it either. It was crazy hot that day and they were all suited up. They took brakes to swap out the bunny suits and try and cool off. I think they were here for 4 hours. It was a huge team that came if you are wanting to know they use CO 2 and a garbage can lined with plastic garbage bags. I think the birds went quick. It is very stressing for me to think about I raised all these birds either hatching them myself or having them from a couple days old. We had strict bio security and illness is something that we never really had to deal with. However they tell me that the Hurricane stirred things up and it was popping up all over Florida.

It rained for 5 days after this, my property was eerie and dead like. The rain was like the property crying to me. (that's just they way it felt and I read it)

So now I am quarantined for 120 days. No new birds.
My birds live the good life living the free range life when they were big enough to do so. There is a chemical that they cleaned my property with that kills the virus called Virkon, I have not looked it up yet look into it read the label maybe you can use it to keep the grounds clear of virus. You can't do much about bird flying and pooping over your land. I don't want to keep my birds up, they love being out so much. But we will have to do some refinements on the property as for the ducks that don't die but carry the virus. They feel that was where we picked it up. I hope this helps those that need this information. There was not much out there when I was in a panic looking for info. Thanks you crazy chicken folk!
I am so very sorry. Thank you for sharing your painful experience for the rest of us. Sending hugs.


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