Avian influenza found in South Carolina

When they dropped the masking at my grandson's high school, he told me he saw more masks now they are optional at school.:idunno
It's how any indoctrination works. You create a fear and the really sad part about it all is twofold:. Children are easily susceptible to suggestion/indoctrination. The other aspect is a very sad part for adults of whom there are a number of adults that were mentally on the borderline before all the hoopla that will likely spend the rest of their lives afraid to breathe perfectly fresh air unobstructed. Both scenarios are unforgivable and abuse of different forms.
It's how any indoctrination works. You create a fear and the really sad part about it all is twofold:. Children are easily susceptible to suggestion/indoctrination. The other aspect is a very sad part for adults of whom there are a number of adults that were mentally on the borderline before all the hoopla that will likely spend the rest of their lives afraid to breathe perfectly fresh air unobstructed. Both scenarios are unforgivable and abuse of different forms.
Yes, sometimes when I watch the news, I just shake my head and think to myself...What was that person thinking?? You have to look at things and make the best decision you can these days. Sometimes the truth is somewhere in the middle not either extremes. Balance.
Yes, sometimes when I watch the news, I just shake my head and think to myself...What was that person thinking?? You have to look at things and make the best decision you can these days. Sometimes the truth is somewhere in the middle not either extremes. Balance.
Its a safe bet that, whatever the truth is, its NOT as simple as the soundbyte being offered on the nightly news - and certainly not asddressed as easily or without consequence as the response of whatever a politician or administrator is claiming.
Its a safe bet that, whatever the truth is, its NOT as simple as the soundbyte being offered on the nightly news - and certainly not addressed as easily or without consequence as the response of whatever a politician or administrator is claiming.

I don't know how often this map is updated, but it looks like nothing has been found recently in Michigan.

I'm as worried about AI as I was when this all started, but the worry isn't as consuming as it was back then. I'm doing what I can to keep my birds safe. If I find out something new to do, I'll do it, even if it's hopping on my left foot and whistling, if that is shown to be effective.

Maybe it's AI fatigue...? Or maybe I have a better understanding of what is happening and what my risks truly are.

This thread has been a great source of knowledge sharing in AI.
I have learned a lot and it is helping me manage my flock through this time.
Could we keep it that way and not turn it into a Covid thread?
^^ This. Please.

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