Awaiting arrival of 3 day old chicks from a hatchery, Question please!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
Sitka, Alaska
OK folks, to start this out I will tell you, we live in Sitka, Alaska. Our weather is like that of Seattle Washington, however, much wetter. If you want to know where we are go to Google Maps and put in our zip code 99835. We are an island with about 8500 people. Everything is shipped or flown here. Our local True value ordered chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery. They elected to not have them inoculated. (why is so beyond me) Before I found this information out, I already bought a 50 pound bag of non- medicated chick starter. I have since purchased a 5 pound bag of medicated chick starter (the largest they had).. My biggest question and main concern? Im getting 8 chicks. Do you think the 5 pound bag is enough medicated? Would I be safe to switch to the non medicated once the 5 pounds is finished? Any and ALL informational post are extremely welcome!!
There are plenty of people that do not vaccinate and do not use medicated food....keep the brooder clean and you should be fine.

I talked to our local farm store and their chicks from the hatchery are not vaccinated and mine are....I asked them if they would be fine without medicated food and they assured me they'll be fine. I think it's more when they live in yucky conditions, get wet, mold, those kind of conditions are where cocci thrives.
Thank you so very much!! My mind is eased! Between the new chicks and the pigeon hatch babies, I may have no finger nails left in two weeks. lol

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