Baby Chick and New Mom Help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Well we have our first Baby Chick and it appears to be doing good. Looks like the other 4 might hatch anytime today. We (humans) and Her (Babe) mom are new to this. We do not have a Rooster and she went Broody on us so a friend of our gave us eggs from their chickens to hatch. They were not sure of the breeds as the eggs were mixed up. Mom is a Buff Orpington and the chicks are either RIR or Barred Rocks. At what age can you tell? Also as far as meds what do we need to do for them and When?


RIR chicks will be yellow and barred rocks are black with a little yellow dot on the head and fluffy yellow butts
Not sure about the black spot. If your friend has multiple roosters then it could be a cross. I always enjoy waiting to find out

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