Baby chick died, had pasty butt. Need advice for living chicks

I noticed one of our first 12 chicks had a ball of poop on the bottom, my wife remembered reading something about pasty butt. I immediately picked up the chick, tried to pull off the ball with no luck. I began to wash off the bottom with a damp cloth, still no luck even after still trying to pull. I took some kitchen scissors and cut the ball in half, the remaining ball of poop then almost fell apart and the damp rag finished the job.
I'm new to chickens so I have no idea but maybe you should start a new thread. People who have read this thread might not come back an reply if they have already put their two cents in on this thread. Might get you a quicker response. I wish I could help. Hope your chick is ok. :(
I read it wasn't an issue as much for chicks raised by a broody, due to bacteria in the gut? I was also told yogurt... after feeding them yogurt all but one cleared up. I stick them in a little bit of water and try to get it wet and get it to come off gently.
We keep a bowl just for that run warm water In it and let them soak for minute or two gently rubbing it. Water needs to be fairly warm. Dab off with paper towel and lower light in brooder for 30 minutes or so. I keep my floor temp around 102-105 with two lights if they got plenty room to get away from it. I do that for first three weeks then back them off to 90 degrees. I know if they get pasty but it'll make them weak quick. Keep electrolytes just in case to give them and scrambled eggs work good to give them quick energy if there weak.

kansas bow hunter.
pickwick lake is home though.
Apple Cider Vinegar in their water helps prevent pasty butt. I'm not sure of the measurements; I don't measure. I just put a few drops (maybe a teaspoon??) into a quart-size jar and fill it up with spring water. I have 5 chicks, got them the day they hatched, I've NEVER had chickens before and really don't know what I'm doing, but we've had not the first sign of pasty butt. They'll be two weeks old Thursday.

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