
In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2019
Okay, I've been researching and I'm not sure this is the case or not. This little beauty had some issues hatching. It was 2 days since it pecked through and wasn't making any progress so I help it out of it's shell (I know but the membrane was stuck to it's head as you can see in the photos.) Anyway, I could tell immediently that something was wrong with it's leg. It can't stand. I was thinking splayed leg but it is also tilting it's head to the side. This baby chick is a beautiful lavender/grey color and we want to save it so bad. It's moving around in the incubator but mostly just spinning circles because it can't stand on it's leg and it's head is tilted. Otherwise it's healthy and strong. Any clues? Please please please help!!!
It is hard to tell what the exact problem with the legs is. It could be splayed or there could be a dislocation, or leg bone deformity, or a slipped tendon. There also could be brain damage. But I would give a couple of drops of Poultry Cell daily, and try a few sessions of standing it in a small wine glass or cup, padded to get the chick used to using those muscles. Riboflavin or B2, as well as other vitamins can be helpful with leg problems. If the legs are splayed, you may need to use some strips of vet wrap to hobble the legs closer together. At some point you might be able to get a picture of holding it up in a standing position to see the leg positioning.
This is the standing position. It cannot stand at all on it's on and when in the standing position it's head droops. I bandaided it's legs together in case it's sprayed leg and also have it in a sock in the standing position to see if that will help also. I gave it a few bits of raw egg yolk so hopefully that helps as well.

It is hard to tell what the exact problem with the legs is. It could be splayed or there could be a dislocation, or leg bone deformity, or a slipped tendon. There also could be brain damage. But I would give a couple of drops of Poultry Cell daily, and try a few sessions of standing it in a small wine glass or cup, padded to get the chick used to using those muscles. Riboflavin or B2, as well as other vitamins can be helpful with leg problems. If the legs are splayed, you may need to use some strips of vet wrap to hobble the legs closer together. At some point you might be able to get a picture of holding it up in a standing position to see the leg positioning.


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Where exactly can I get that? Our local Walmart doesn't carry it.
Another pharmacy may have it, Walmart may be able to get it if you ask them about it. It's on amazon, Walgreens & cvs websites. I found some bird vitamin supplement in the pet section at walmart, it was 1 drop per bird per ounce of water. I used to use it for my parakeet. I bought poultry booster vitamins, brewers yeast, selenium, vitamin E gel caps & those liquid vitamins for my Bobs when 1 developed wry neck at 2 weeks. It recovered 100%, can't tell it from the others now. I poked a hole in a gel cap and squeezed a bit in its mouth, when it was able to eat I crushed the selenium and put it in the feed, squeezed the vitamin E over the food.
The Poultry Cell from a feed or farm store would help treat wry neck. Poultry NutriDrench is good as well, but I like the Poultry Cell a bit better since it has riboflavin.
Just wanted to update....I've been giving Poultry Cell every 3 hours as well as egg yolk. It doesn't really want to eat but I'm making it. It's head is much better now! Still worried about it's legs though. I really think it's got a case of splayed leg. Going to resplint it's legs in a bit.

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