Baby Chick Issue


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2023
We bought 2 lavender orpington to join our flock that were born 4/6. They were in a pack and play with a brooder plate, clean shavings, plenty of food and water...and yesterday I discovered one of them dead when I got home. I think she just spontaneously died and I'm not sure why, she was alive yesterday morning when I left for work. The other chick was freaking out, very upset to be I immediately went to Wilco and bought an easter egger who was about 5 days old to join her.
At first they got along fine, a little bit of pecking but nothing crazy. Now the easter egger is plucking out the lavender's down feathers and I'm not sure what to do? I think the lavender is driving the easter egger insane because I think she's a bit traumatized by her sister dying. She will not leave that other chick's side, not even for a second. It's like she has to be touching her at all times.
Is there anything I should do about this? Is this normal behavior? Thanks for your help.
She's not traumatized, she's a jerk. Can you section off part of the brooder ? How did you introduce them?
I can't really section it off because I only have one brooder plate. I introduced the new chick by putting her into the brooder with the other chick and I watched them for like an hour and a half. They seemed fine at first, and seemed great yesterday/most of today. The picking of the feathers just started a little bit ago.
She's not traumatized, she's a jerk. Can you section off part of the brooder ? How did you introduce them?
I just tried sectioning it off so they could still see eachother and the lavender was totally freaking out. Pacing back and forth, chirping constantly, shaking...
let me get this straight .. you bought a 5 day old chick thats dominating and pulling the feathers out of a two week old chick? .. usually chicks are pretty focused on eating and sleeping, your feeding them right?
let me get this straight .. you bought a 5 day old chick thats dominating and pulling the feathers out of a two week old chick? .. usually chicks are pretty focused on eating and sleeping, your feeding them right?
They're both eating and drinking plenty. The 2 week old chick will not leave the little chick alone, it follows her everywhere. If the 5 day old chick goes under the brooder and the 2 week old can't find it, she starts screaming...if I separate them the 2 week old chick paces back and forth in a total panic. She's constantly on all over the little chick, trying to get under her, following her everywhere she goes.
When I take one of the chicks away from its friends, it starts screaming and searching for them, because they make its flock, without the flock chicks and chickens die. I think your older chick just doesn’t want to give up on her flock. Especially when the little chick is younger, she wants to make sure everyone is ok.

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