Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Kind of right! They sort of have a crest-ish? Similar to the Araucanas we have in the UK aren't they?

One of these is a purebred lavender Araucana. I, however, have no idea which one, because I am a dolt and THEY ALL LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE.

This one is a nosy wee thing. Went straight up to the camera; future modelling career maybe?

There's a Marans just hatched in the incubator, but I'm going to leave them in there until later on; only really took these out because they keep playing football with the other eggs.

Anyone any tips for keeping humidity up for straight after removing chicks? I've been wiping the lid with a wet sponge to introduce some more water immediately, seems to be working well enough.
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These were all shipped eggs that I have incubated. First time ever doing this and it is so rewarding! They range in age from 13 days to 4 days old. They are growing well and seem healthy and hungry! Here are some pics!





They're from a lavender araucana cockerel and (unrelated) mixed-breed hens who I now realise must also have lav genes since all four eggs (2 from one hen, 2 from another) have come out lavender. To be fair, I only put them in because there was extra space from the pure araucanas and marans eggs in there. Curious to find out what they'll look like now.
I love them so cute !
@MamaChick73 Your chick in the first picture is so fluffy!

Mine have multiplied somewhat. There's twelve in there now; four mixes, four lavender araucana, three copper-black marans, and a black araucana.
Three more zipping in the incubator and I think I can see some new pips too.

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