Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Yesterday and today. One from white egg one from green. the dad must have been the same. These are bought fertile fridge eggs.

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Sent from the coop.
Hughess- they are crazy adorable!

Now to tell myself I don't want lavander orpingtons. I have enough chickens.
It's sooo that I can't stand it! Will you tell me 'that' same sentiment! This must be what some women/men appreciate in their shoe 'collection' I now need chocolate, black, blue, buff, laced, double laced, and let's not forget white! Almost forgot Cuckoo (me and the bird) Throw me some splash while I am 'at' it, please...
Chicken 'math' is gonna be the death of me...and I am going to enjoy every minute of it!
Here are the 'next' 6 reasons WHY!
And yes, everyone is seeing 'green' on the one very short-lived brilliant idea to try to identify chicks from their egg! (Food dye, which I tried to Bull's-eye through a bator hole!) On to plan D...
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Hughess- how about chicks like mine- ayam cemani with a mottled orpington daddy?

I feel your pain, my friend has beautiful English orpingtons, red, white, black, mottled, bantam chocolate. Her mottled/paint orpington jumped into her cemani pen, so I 'helped' by taking 'some'. Lol. I *might* be picking up more this weekend as she's hatching more! *GASP*
Our local feather and fur club is have a fall tailgating even this coming weekend and I'm telling myself I don't need any more feather friends. But there is always room for one or two more , right? Lol
We just got some (13) for the first time and they're only a week old, but I love the way they look and they are really perky, alert little chicks.

We didn't get them for meat birds, but I've heard they are superb for that.

If you wouldn't mind updating me on their progress... I may get some this spring.
My son has informed me that his goal is to have at least one of every breed. The chicken bug has got a hold of him tight.

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