Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

momma hen sitting on 2 fridge eggs from a vet's office.. they are on day 21 but since they came from the fridge they will be day 22 hatchers. They are peeping and pecking. White one will be Arida, and the green, Slaw.


Hi poultry queen101
Here is a couple new pics do you still think they could be all girls?
They are 2 weeks old!!;)

Backyard mutt... Neighbors broody abandoned. About 2 weeks

I think girl and I think she'll be pretty. Any guesses about her cross?????
I have these chicks, they are ayam cemani x orpington and some might be purebreed ayam cemani. I think one is a boy. They are less than 3 weeks old. I took these pictures today, what do you think their sex is? Is it too early to tell?







I think the last one is a boy?
I call the first one 'Cheek to cheek X3' LF English Lavender Orps born July 28 and 29th! I give so much credit to all those before (and after) me who take 'still' shots of their chickens! When I do that with intent/purpose I am gonna want to go PRO! Kudos to the rest of you! Phew! and Wow!
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How do you like the dark cornish? Do you breed them for meat birds?

We just got some (13) for the first time and they're only a week old, but I love the way they look and they are really perky, alert little chicks.

We didn't get them for meat birds, but I've heard they are superb for that.

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