Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!






This is my little peep. She is six weeks old and is the sweetest thing ever!
Our peepers are a couple weeks old now and yesterday I let them out of the barn for the first time. It was cold, but the sun felt warm.

I was hoping she'd take them out in the grass and sun where I could get some cute pictures...

Mom seemed most interested in a dust bath...

And more dust bath! Peepers had to learn how to stay out of the way of mom's flying gravel!

Daddy and the other chickens noticed her over there and came over to check her and the peepers out... I was standing ready with my spray bottle to intervene, but they were mostly just curious. Mom wanted nothing to do with Daddy right now, and he quickly lost interest and left.

Our leghorn seemed curious but didn't get real close. She's probably our boss hen.

The peepers and the pig were mutually oblivious to each other. :)

And the other hens seemed rather uninterested. I will hopefully be able to take them out again, supervised, tomorrow, and hopefully they can do some more exploring. I'd like to get them integrated back into the flock, but a the moment, I'm still keeping them separated where I can provide mom and peepers with some supplemental heat and chick starter food.

Hope you enjoy the pics. :)

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