Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Weather was tolerable today, almost sunny! So our momma and babies took a field trip outside.

First order of business, for momma, was a dust bath. The chicks didn't completely understand this behavior, or how to stay out of the way of the flying gravel at first, but they figured it out, and one of tried to mimic momma and took a dust bath of *her* (we hope) own.

Baby peeper dust bath... :)

We stood ready to defend the babies, but the other chickens, including daddy over there, have all been growled at and/or attacked by this momma, so they pretty much keep their distance! (I do think the Wyandotte below, wearing the saddle, is probably the chicks bio mother)

Hubby picked up one for a closeup. :)

After dust baths, a short walk around: exploring the yard, a pile of cedar branches, and the other assorted animals on the place, before heading back in for a nap.

Weather was tolerable today, almost sunny! So our momma and babies took a field trip outside. First order of business, for momma, was a dust bath. The chicks didn't completely understand this behavior, or how to stay out of the way of the flying gravel at first, but they figured it out, and one of tried to mimic momma and took a dust bath of *her* (we hope) own. Baby peeper dust bath... :) We stood ready to defend the babies, but the other chickens, including daddy over there, have all been growled at and/or attacked by this momma, so they pretty much keep their distance! (I do think the Wyandotte below, wearing the saddle, is probably the chicks bio mother) Hubby picked up one for a closeup. :) After dust baths, a short walk around: exploring the yard, a pile of cedar branches, and the other assorted animals on the place, before heading back in for a nap. They are so cute. I hope in about a week my hen will be taking her babies for an outing. They are eight days old now.
The feed store I stopped at today had chicks! I got three adorable EE's! My 3 year old daughter named them Anna, Elsa, and Cocoa.... They are all spunky and adorable, but tonight Elsa just kept chirping (loudly!) and cruising around the brooder while the others were sleeping. I checked on her and all seemed fine but she wouldn't stop chirping. I picked her up and she snuggled down and fell asleep in my palm. I have never heard of such a thing..... I guess she will now be officially "princess" Elsa...

Here they are!
Cocoa ... check out those cheeks!



Anna again

sleeping Princess Elsa
OMG! is that not the cutest thing!
I have a completely spoiled 7 week old buff orpington....this is Mello...and true to her name...she is absolutely calm and cuddly. She wants to sit on our shoulders any time we come out.
Here she is getting a foot massage and pic of her going to sleep after a full under belly

I have a completely spoiled 7 week old buff orpington....this is Mello...and true to her name...she is absolutely calm and cuddly. She wants to sit on our shoulders any time we come out.
Here she is getting a foot massage and pic of her going to sleep after a full under belly

Haha too cute! Our almost 7 week BO, Marigold (Goldie for short ) is also as sweet as can be!
The feed store I stopped at today had chicks! I got three adorable EE's! My 3 year old daughter named them Anna, Elsa, and Cocoa.... They are all spunky and adorable, but tonight Elsa just kept chirping (loudly!) and cruising around the brooder while the others were sleeping. I checked on her and all seemed fine but she wouldn't stop chirping. I picked her up and she snuggled down and fell asleep in my palm. I have never heard of such a thing..... I guess she will now be officially "princess" Elsa...

Here they are!
Cocoa ... check out those cheeks!



Anna again

sleeping Princess Elsa
Oooooh, cute!!

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