Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

They are all sooooo cute! :)

Thank you! I need better pictures :) here's a few
Here's mine,

I don't see an beard, does anyone else see something I may be missing?
She looks a lot like my black girl, but about the same size with less feather development. It's hard to tell with the black markings on her face if she has a beard or not. If you post some frontal pics, it might be easier to tell. Even some looking down on her head. That might be the best. I included some pictures of two of my girls at 1 wk 3 dys for comparison. Also, where did you get her, and how old is she? From what I see here, if she is a ameraucana, then she has a very small beard for the size she is. In comparison to my 3 girls, I would peg her at about a week, maybe a little under. I also can't see her wings very well, since the focus was on her neck, but that is my estimation of her age.


In the second picture, the beard is showing. These are pictures of one of my one of my other girls, and both she and Fern can fly the foot or so to the top of our brooder, and perch on it. We put chicken wire on top yesterday:


The fluff is had to see in the pictures, but when you look at the chicks, especially from the top, it is very evident. If you answer my questions, I can probably give you a better analysis. Enjoy the chicks while they are chicks!
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peopleRanimals2 Looking at the size of the chick compared to the hand I would say she is but 4 weeks old. She is very cute. I do not see a ruff or beard yet but if she is an EE it should develop later, however some never do get one.
I looked closely at my six EE chicks yesterday. They all had puffy cheeks whenI got them, but now just shy of 5 weeks old, only half of them have a beard/muff. The one that is black with small rusty streaks down the feather shafts is one of the beardless.

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