Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

here's a black Ameraucana for comparison. Mine had obvious puffy cheeks and beard from day 1
I took mine out and held her up for a closer examination and @ almost tree weeks her neck looks completely trace of beard. I won't know for sure until she lays, but here's hoping it's not green (or blue, pink....)!

I really wanted a good brood hen (the chocolate eggs would just be a bonus).

Brand new rocks we got yesterday. Our very first chicks. I little nervous indeed.

They're adorable! But yeah get rid of the newspaper. i've been having good luck with the KoopClean bedding W/PDZ.
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Not done yet! But all we have left to do is a exit door for the 8 week old babies and the roof to keep them safe from the bigger birds.. this is there first time experiencing the outdoors!


I am also going to add a Perch at in there. I just want to wait until I get the roof done. I don't want my babies to get out! I will not free range them because there are foxes all over the place here
Thank you! I am super happy they were able to go out there! Another week and it'll be finished! :) it was a good day

It's supposed to be 75 and sunny tomorrow!
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Quote: I took mine out and held her up for a closer examination and @ almost three weeks her neck looks completely trace of beard. I won't know for sure until she lays, but here's hoping it's not green (or blue, pink....)!

I really wanted a good brood hen (the chocolate eggs would just be a bonus).
Here's mine,

I don't see an beard, does anyone else see something I may be missing?
Here is 4 of my 8 chicks. 4 Crested Cream Legbars and one Barnevelder at their pm nap time. Oldest Legbar is almost 4 weeks old she has head under wing the others are 3-3.5 weeks old

I remember my first little group of barred rocks. They are such cool birds, one of my favorites.

I just got my chick's 5 days ago and have 7 Barred Rocks, 1 Golden laced wyannadotte, 1 Silver Laced wyannadotte, 1 Golden Buff, and this is my first time with Barred Rocks and they are so loving!♡♡ amazingly friendly. The run to me! I feel so blessed. Thank God they are doing well!

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