Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Silver penciled wyandotte bantam
I have a 1 quart waterer too... Probably a safe choice for you, and definitely will help you not worry when you are gone.

My little Goldie had a slipped tendon. Where her leg/hock joint tendon slips out of place and rendered her leg useless. We tried to pop it back into place and wrap it, brace it, and let it heal. But it was getting worse and more swollen, and she was spending most of her day puffing and closing her eyes. So we decided no more suffering and my husband culled her. It was a hard decision and yet a peaceful one knowing we had done everything we could.

My other chicks are thriving and doing great! 4 weeks and just about ready for their eviction notice! Haha.

Aww mine got evicted two weeks ago! They absolutely love the coop. This weekend I am building the run for there coop
Here are some new pictures of my bantam calico Cochins hatched by a momma hen, they are 2 weeks old now! I can't wait to see what colors they end up being! They are outside in grow out coop and Momma has been taking them out everyday. I have 2 more broody hens setting on 7 more eggs due to hatch this weekend!

OK, here are mine, the are supposed to be all Americanas ("EEs")...

However I was wondering about the black one. Whenever I see a post containing a Marans chick it looks alot like her. She was in with the rest of the Americanas, but they also had some Marans that had sold out before I got there. Now my pipe is probably just dreaming, but maybe, just perhaps someone might have been looking at a Marans, put her back into the wrong corral and I got reeeaaal lucky?

Or is she just a black Americana?
Your others will have just started growing a 'beard'. Is she? If not, she might not be ameraucana. Hope this helps!

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