Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

they are supposed to be pretty hardy though.

Yes, that's what I had heard. This girl was way too scared of everything. I really think her stressed out way is what did it. My little baby now comes running to me, doesn't skitter clear across the run when I walk in like my other one did. She was just to nervous a bird for that cold. I was worried about her before the winter even got that cold. Sure enough. Not so worried about this little red, she's a social little thing. More laid back. :)
how adorable congrats on your new babies, I love it when they sleep on otheir face little wings out and all.

Thanks! They've been mixing it up between their 2x4 roost board and on their bellies under/against their stuffed dog :) One's taking to nuzzling it to the point where I'm wondering if she'll stay attached as she gets older. It's very cute.
Here is a picture of my little EE that fought for it's life! I really didn't expect it to make it when I first helped it out of the thickest goop ever! It dried up real stiff..first picture..I didn't start giving it electrolytes until it started staying up on it's belly like this.

My little miracle..girl..I hope it's a girl. :))
SO cute!! Glad she(?) made it
Here is a picture of my little EE that fought for it's life! I really didn't expect it to make it when I first helped it out of the thickest goop ever! It dried up real stiff..first picture..I didn't start giving it electrolytes until it started staying up on it's belly like this.

My little miracle..girl..I hope it's a girl. :))

Aww! She/he definitely looks like "Miracle!" Beautiful little chick, glad it pulled through!

My Barred Rocks. 2 wks old. This one is the one I think is a Roo. Lighter, slightly bigger and not much or any black wash on his legs and legs are fatter. Seems to carry himself higher. He will have to find a new home. No Roos allowed, well no chickens but roos are a big nono

ROO above I believe :D

Think this is the other lighter one I have questions about. They change so much so fast.. it's hard to keep track

see the difference in him?
Hey..kynewb...what is that baby in your Avatar? I have a cute little Japaneses baby that looks like that. She is soo tiny! I keep wondering if she is growing. She is two weeks old here pretty tiny!

On my DH's computer desk, this is his finger in front of her. I can't imagine how
small she will be!

Ok, checked out your picture, that baby is bigger. Pretty cute, could be an Australorp?
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Hey..kynewb...what is that baby in your Avatar? I have a cute little Japaneses baby that looks like that. She is soo tiny! I keep wondering if she is growing. She is two weeks old here pretty tiny!

On my DH's computer desk, this is his finger in front of her. I can't imagine how
small she will be!

Ok, checked out your picture, that baby is bigger. Pretty cute, could be an Australorp?

Your little Japanese baby is beautiful! And sooo tiny :D

Yes, mine are Lorps (with the exception of 6 black Giants) - ours are sprouting tail feather beginnings at nearly a week old.

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