Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


My BSLs are pretty ugly but my buff catalanas are cute as can be. they all hate being picked up, especially the BSLs. but they dont mind me being around at all. will eat out of my hand every chance i give them.

They're starting to get pretty big so I'm starting on the coop-building now. (i have all the materials but it's been a relatively rainy past couple weeks.)

Here they are as of last week. They should be ~2.5 to 3.5 weeks old by now i think. correct me if i'm wrong.

My Ameraucana pullet is like that. She won't let me touch her, but if I leave her alone, she'll come over and sit right next to me and stare up at me, and she'll take food when I offer. I have a feeling her chicks will be friendlier, since they won't have to go through the ordeal of being sorted, sexed, or shipped like she did.

I couldn't get my babies to eat yogurt at all! So I knew they were too nosey to let something be on the wall of the box, so I smashed some crumbles in it and it was a free for all!! Everyone wanted some then! Pastey Butt be gone!! ;)

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