Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!



Flappy my BCM pullet


This is happy feet my cuckoo


My jack jack , just guessing but pretty sure he's a roo. Also a BCM.


Cali my supposedly aracuana? Any guesses on breed? And sex

Lacy and Rosie , BLRW & weslummer

In the back is my Americana sweet pea. Really hoping he's not a roo. All 7 of my chicks are 5 weeks old and he still is mostly unfeathered :(
Quote: No problem at all. I think it helps that the oldest chicks have been constantly introduced to new babies every week or so since they were babies themselves. I have a couple of pullets in my brooder pen who are two months old by now, but they take new arrivals completely in stride when new fluffy babies appear in the run with them. In the main coop at my dad's house, chicks go into a brooder pen within the main coop and run, and while the adults can't get into the brooder, the chicks can leave to enter the coop and interact with the adults. If the adults get mean, the chicks just retreat back to their space, and they are able to integrate at their own pace.

My silver laced wyandotte and splash ameraucana "chicks" with a younger mixed-breed pullet. Zen (wyandotte) and Daenerys (Ameracauna) were born in February, but even though the rest of their brood has graduated to the main coop at my dad's house, I keep them at mine for safe keeping. (The flock at my dad's free ranges most of the time, and I didn't want to risk losing my Ameraucana to a predator)

Daenerys my Ameraucana in the foreground, with two mixed-breed chicks and Zen.

Some of the chicks at my Dad's house. Most of these are home-grown mutts I hatched from our eggs. All of the chicks spent the first couple weeks of life at my house to get them started feathering out. Now that it looks like the cold snaps are over, new arrivals should be able to go straight into the coop.

The Broody Duo with their three remaining chicks. They won't be caring for this batch much longer and should be back to laying soon.

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