Baby chick vent prolaspe


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 15, 2014
I have a barred rock chick who has a prolaspe. And when I was cleaning the waste of her vent there is a small flap on her vent that was a little bloody. Does anyone have tips for chicks with prolaspe? I have blue kote and preparation h cream. She is able to poop and eat and drink.
I would make sure she is drinking well as dehydration or too much heat can cause constipation and straining. Dip her beak in water several times today. The hemorrhoid cream is good to use to help swelling go down. If they start pecking her vent, you can use a little BluKote which will stain her bottom for a couple of weeks. If she has trouble pooping, you can barely insert a QTip with some cooking oil on it to lube the vent.
She is separated from the rest. She's able to drink and eat and poop I haven't seen any straining or heard different peeps that'd be concerning. I can't seem to get the vent back in with Vaseline or vitamin E oil. The ph cream helps though.
I would let her spend as much time with the other chicks as possible so that she remains part of the flock. You can also put chicks with her for company. Red heat lamps are a bit better for helping to prevent pecking. Her vent may go back in on it's own when it is not swollen. Honey is also good for swelling on the vent, and has antibiotic properties.
That works for lubrication, but the red little vent part needs to be kept moist with ointment or similar. KY or similar would dry out eventually. Honey works like prep H to cause swelling to go down. Chick prolapses sometimes go in if it is caused by straining or pasty vent. Sometimes they have other problems though, and don't survive. Hopefully, this little one will make it. You can do a search on BYC at the top of this page for "prolapse in baby chick" or "chick prolapse," and you will find a few threads to read.

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