Baby chick with splay leg


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2017
So I recently brought a Black Australorp baby home from work. She has what I would describe as a very mild case of splay leg. She is still able to get around, albeit not as gracefully as other chicks. She is still eating and drinking fine. I started her on a leg brace made of vet wrap to help her leg return to normal. But I do have a few questions.

1) Is there anything else I can do to help her leg go back to the way its supposed to be? And should she wear the brace all the time? Or only certain hours of the day? I want her leg to go back to normal but also don't want her to get sore because it makes her leg go in another direction than it would without the help.

2) Is it okay if I put another chick in with her so she isn't alone? I don't want her getting picked on but I also don't want her to be antisocial when she is older. She is currently in a brooder in my room. Today was my off day but I go back to work tomorrow and work the next 5 days and worry about her being back there alone. My mom will check in on her periodically to make sure she is okay. But I would really rather she be with her own kind.

3) I was reading up on splay leg and every article said that if her leg doesn't go back the best thing to do is euthanize her. However, if she can still get around and eat and run is that really the best thing? I mean she may walk a little goofy as she ages but if it isn't affecting her quality of life is it okay to keep her alive?

P.S. Her name is Valka after Hiccups mom in How To Train Your Dragon 2. It also means strong so I thought it was fitting.
you should not keep him/her alone beaces chickens are very social also if she does not get a friend she may get depresed
I mean it's such a mild case. She can stand normally, just if she's on her feet for too long than it goes to the side more. And when she lays down her leg also goes to the side. But she can still eat and drink and run and play.

And I want to get her at least one friend I just don't want her to get picked on by the friend. Having a friend will prevent depression but if the friend kills her then it doesn't really do much good so I just want to be careful.

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